Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 54: Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Today I have my first guest blogger, my Mama *grin*. Seeing as Matt is M: she is going to be G: for Grammy.

Today's positives:

S: We had a better nights sleep last night, in the fact that we actually got some!

G: Today I got to spend the entire day with my daughter and grandbabies which was exhausting and fun. It was funny watching Gracie and seeing Sophie as a small child again. Gracie is a lot like her Mama. She is fiercely independent, strong willed, brave and adventurous, all wonderful attributes.

S: It was cute watching Gracie go out with her big hat, beads and sparkly shoes. I can't wait to see what her fashion sense is like when she is older.

G: James sat up! All by himself for almost a minute.

S: Mum and I tag teamed a double trouble diaper changing session this afternoon. While Gracie was not so amused, James found it quite the comedy to watch his big sister physically express her displeasure.

G: Lol, yes, James does find Gracie's flailing arms and legs hilarious which in itself is pretty funny. He has such an infectious laugh. James is such a happy baby, he grins at every opportunity.

S: I was proud of my little girl managing to climb three flights of stairs to get up and down to Grammy's apartment.

G:  We had quite a fun time taking the children for a walk around the neighbourhood. James enjoyed being carried by his Mummy in the Moby and Gracie enjoyed setting the pace and direction which was fine because who needs to actually walk in a direct line right? She was very inquisitive and showed a lot of curiosity in a small tree, she found a piece of bark that fell off the tree and was quite determined to reattach it. It was pretty funny to watch her try and climb the tree, again, another of her Mummy's childhood traits coming out in her.

S: While we were investigating trees Gracie found a nice little ant nest. I think it was probably one of the scariest moments so far for me as I watched the tiny black critters cover my baby's little feet and legs. Thankfully my Mum still has her Mummy ninja reflexes and between us we managed to pull off her shoes and get them off her before too much damage occurred. I know this may not seem like a positive but what I was most proud of was how my little one handled this situation. Not only did she not freak out and grab at her legs but she was fine and ready to get down and play once me and my mum had finished bashing all the ants off her. In fact she was angrier at being held down than she was being bitten. She is very brave!

G: I got to feed James his lunch which may seem like no big deal but since he is breastfed it was very kind of Sophie to give me the opportunity to share this precious time with my beautiful Grandson.

S: Gracie tried meatless corn dogs and meatless meatballs today. She seemed to really enjoy them. I also noticed they are dye and preservative free. Always an added bonus :)

Today has been a full, fun and VERY tiring day. I am so glad I came up here to visit. I am having a brilliant time, and it's going by quickly.

G: My only wish is that my favourite son-in-law was here too. Matt, thank you for letting your precious little family visit with us for so long. Love you Son-shine.

G'night all.

- Sophie and Grammy

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