Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 31: Atleast.. I think its 31...

Today was lovely!

Today's positives:

1: We walked down to the guard house to walk Daddy home from work, bright and early this morning.

2: We came home and had a delicious breakfast of crepes with cinnamon sugar.

3: We got to hang out and relax together. Even going grocery shopping was more fun as a family.

4: James and I got to walk the dog while Daddy and Gracie took a nap.

5: Gracie put her baby doll on her sit and ride and pushed it all over. I am pretty sure the baby doll had as much fun as Gracie ;)

6: Gracie has discovered a new show called Yo Gabba Gabba. She has fun dancing as there is mostly music. Very strange show... Very strange...

7: James went to sleep earlier so Gracie and I got to have a lovely long cuddle before bed.

I think I'm going to enjoy having Matt home :)

Goodnight all

- Soph

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