Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 36: Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz A Bear

The kids have been feeling much better since their doctors visit yesterday. It has been a very pleasent day.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie found a little bracelet in the bottom of my closet and wore it on her wrist almost all day. She is such a girly girl!

2: Bay and Gracie enjoyed watching a squirrel play on the deck for quite a long time this afternoon. They were both leaning on each other and watching.

3: We went for a walk through the woodie part of the park today.

4: Cousins A and G came over and played for a little while this afternoon. It was nice to hang out before they go away for a few months.

5: Gracie picked up all her toys with almost no help at bed time.

6: We finished off the day by walking up to the guard check to say goodnight to Daddy.

7: I forgot to post yesterday that James had his first taste of chocolate. Matthew decided to give him a quick suck of some cookies and creme... He enjoyed it very much and cried when he was all done.

Well goodnight all

- Sophie

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