Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 209: Happy Birthday Jim Jam

Today we celebrated James birthday! We have had a fantastic day!!!

Today's positives:

1: When we brought James out in to the living room, he was pointing and jabbering away excitedly. The decorations were a big success and totally worth staying up till 2.30am doing!

2: We called Grammy on skype to open presents. Gracie enjoyed helping James. I think his favorite gift was his toy hammer.

3: Daddy made french toast for breakfast, James had 2 pieces and Gracie ate 3!!

4: I managed to find dairy free cheese so I was able to make homemade pizza for lunch. James inhaled his!

5: After pizza we had birthday cake. I made red velvet and chocolate icing. We also put a big J on it made out of banana slices. Grammy got on skype and we all sang happy birthday then both of the kids just got stuck right in. There was no time for slicing... It kind of looks like cake carnage now... The kids had a blast.

6: James and Gracie got a lovely bubble bath after cake. They enjoyed playing with their new bath toys :)

7: James and I went to get the mail. The mail-lady wasn't finished when we got down there so I took him to the swings and we had a lovely time swinging. After a while we went and sat by the pool and James enjoyed looking at all the leaves. It's very rare we get some one on one time and I have to say it was lovely!

8: We got to skype with Auntie Sam and Uncle Steve. Then daddy made them some dinner and it was a lovely end to a lovely day :)

I can't believe my babies are 1 and 2 already! Everything is going so fast. Trying to enjoy it while I can!!

Well goodnight all. Enjoy the pictures!

- Sophie

Ps: I had a bit of a Mummy fail and didn't get any pictures of Matt!!! :(


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 208: 121212

Today has been a fun day full of playing and laughing. I enjoyed being home after missing the last 2 days due to MEPS. I think the kids missed me and I know I missed them.

Today's Positives,

1. Gracie and James were tackling me and climbing all over me on the floor. They thought it was hilarious!

2. Gracie was excited to skype with her cousin Chloe today. She kept looking at the screen and saying "Chloe"!

3. James ate most of his dinner with a fork tonight. I think its the first time he  has successfully used a fork on his own.

4. James cuddled into me and fell asleep this afternoon. It made my day!

5. Gracie was lots of fun today and was laughing for no reason at one point.

Well that's about all I can recall right now. I hope everyone has a goodnight,
Matt and Soph

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 207: Sweethearts

Today's positives:

1: When I opened my eyes this morning I saw the kids reaching through the bars of their beds holding hands playing see-saw. Gracie accidentally pulled to hard and J bumped his head so she kept saying "I sorry Jay Jay, Sorry" It was very sweet.

2: At snack time I gave Gracie the bag of animal cookies because there were not very many left. I kept an eye on her but she made sure to give Jay just as many as she was eating.

3:  We got to skype Grammy while we ate breakfast.

4: Gracie kept asking me for "mookicks". Apparently her word for music lol.

5: Today we watched The Fox and The Hound. Really we have to stop watching movies every day!

6: Tonight we read the story of Mrs Tiggywinkle.

We have really missed Daddy today! Hopefully we get to see lots more of him tomorrow! At least we know he passed his final test :)

Goodnight all!

- Sophie

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 206: Last minunte

Today's positives:

1: We get to spend half the day relaxing with Daddy.

2: We all watched Dumbo together.

3: After we took Daddy to his Navy thing, Gracie kept saying he was at a sleepover.

4: Last nights story was The Tale of Two Bad Mice.

5: We skyped with great Grandma and Gracie enjoyed showing her all of her teddy bears.

6: While Gracie was riding on her rocking horse James crawled over and wanted a turn. Gracie very patiently got off and let him take a turn and waited for him to be finished to get back on.. I was so proud to see her sharing :)

That's all for today folks!



Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 205: Tigger

Today's positives:

1: Gracie watched the Tigger movie.

2: We got to skype with Grammy.

3: James has walked a few time today. 3 or 4 steps at a time!

4: James had me play hidey-boo for a long time.

5: Tonight's bedtime storey was the Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Gracie snuggled in and listened very closely from beginning to end.

Not a very long blog tonight! Tomorrow is the first day of our weekend so hopefully we can do something fun :)


- Sophie

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 204: Peter Rabbit

Today's positives:

1: The kids have enjoyed me reading lots of stories to them today!

2: Yesterday we went and picked up the table and chairs Grammy got them. They LOVE them. Although it has mostly been used as a tree climbing aid...

3: We got to Skype with Auntie Elizabeth, Cousin L and baby Cousin N.

4: We got a package from Auntie Sam. The kids got the Beatrix Potter library and were/are so excited about it. We already had to read them three of the books! Thank you Auntie Sam! :D

5: It was nice to have Daddy home tonight to help with bath and bed time. The kids love when he gets to put them to bed!

6: Gracie has enjoyed being able to go see Daddy at work a few times today. She always loves bringing him his lunch.

It's been a rather pleasant day.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 203: A Walk on the Beach!

Today we had lots of fun playing with blocks, the train set, and going for a family stroll on the beach. I can't believe it's December with the weather we are having! James is so close to walking, I think it will be any day now!

Today's Positives.

1. Gracie and James loved taking turns knocking down the blocks and helping build them back up again.

2. Gracie said please and thank you multiple times today.

3. When we give the kids snacks, Gracie will take James snack to him then come back for hers.

4. We all had fun crawling around the house with James leading the way. He is moving quick!

5. James uses the rocking horse as a walker, he wants to keep up with Gracie so bad.

6. We went to the beach this afternoon and on the way there I asked the kids if they were excited for the beach and the both yelled "Yes!"

7. Gracie had fun running on the beach and inspecting a tiny crab while James enjoyed being carried and looking at everything.

8. After walking on the beach for a while we sat and played in the sand. James loved feeling the sand run through his fingers.

9. Gracie loved playing on the slides and James loved crawling all around the playground.

Well, we have had a very full and fun day! I hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far, I know we are.

Matt and Soph

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 202: December 5th

There isn't much to write today, especially after yesterday being such a full day!

Today's positives:

1: The kids both enjoyed another piece of birthday cake today!

2: When we went to check on James this afternoon, he had climbed in to Gracie's dolls wardrobe and was hiding in it!

3: Gracie grabbed Matt by the hands and was dancing him around the room humming a very interesting tune.

4: Gracie, James and I all had a lovely time playing ball this afternoon.

5: Gracie and Matt got to play some catch with Gracie's new baseball glove today. She actually did pretty well!

6: James has taken to using the rocking horse as a walker. I think he could actually walk, he just hasn't realized it yet!

That's about all for today.

Hope everyone had a lovely day :)

Goodnight all!

- Sophie

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Gracie's birthday, was AWESOME! We all had a fantastic day :)

Today's positives:

1: Gracie started out her day by watching the Angelina Ballerina movie. She was glued to all 55 minutes of it and was so cute as she tried to dance along.

2: One of Gracie's favorite parts of the day was definitely her party hats. She insisted we all wear one  for most of the morning and when we took them off she put them in her new wagon and pulled them around the house.

3: When she first came out of her bedroom she pointed at the decorations and said "I like it"

4: Daddy made french toast for her special birthday breakfast.

5: After breakfast we called Grammy so she could skype with us while Gracie opened her birthday presents. Gracie's favorite gift was her new doll's feeding set. She immediately gave up opening gifts to play with it.

6: After presents Matt and I got to show Gracie how to use her playdoh! She mostly liked the smell of it but did enjoy squeezing it too!

7:  After they took a nice afternoon nap we did cake! Again we called Grammy so she could join in singing happy birthday! Both of the kids LOVED their cake. James picked his piece up with both hands and shoved it in! Gracie was not sure how to blow out her candle and kept trying to grab it. It was also funny to watch James stand under the table and try to reach up and grab a sneaky bit.

8: We gave Gracie a special bubble bath all to her self, a rare treat! She enjoyed it so much. She kept standing up in the bath, pointing at the bubbles and saying "Bubbles, I like it!".

9: Daddy got to play with James while Gracie was in the Bubble Bath. He was crawling after James down the hall and every time he caught him, James would laugh hysterically!

10: After bath/playtime  we let Gracie walk her new wagon down to the mail box. She chose her puppy from Daddy to tote along in it. She had a lovely birthday card from Grammy waiting for her.
Gracie was so excited because it was a cat with a sparkly tiara on. She hugged it and kept saying "cat".

11: Gracie has been asking to go to the beach for a over a week now so we took her for a nice walk seeing as it was such a beautiful evening. She loved running in the sand and chasing the seagulls.
James even enjoyed walking whilst holding on to our hands.

12: There was enough daylight left for a quick play on the playground. Gracie LOVES the slide, but she is also fearless and likes to try and climb on all the different ladders and nets.

13: When we got home it was time for jam sandwiches. Great Grandma called and chatted while she ate her dinner. She kept shouting "Grandad" so my Grandad would come and wave at her. It was a nice way wind down.

14: Gracie would hold up her new blocks and say "Smile" and then act like she was taking a picture.

15: Daddy read little Quack to the kids as a bed time story.

16: After James went to bed we let Gracie stay up and watch Shrek the 3rd. I even found a fun size bag of skittles for her. She watched the whole movie and only got down once to grab her party hat which she enjoyed wearing the entire time she watched the movie.

It was such a fantastic day. I think we all went to bed feeling like we had the best time!

Well that's all for now folks.

- Sophie










Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 200: Congratulations, You're Our 200th Visitor!

Today has been a fun day. We got the kids pup tent out and they had a great time showing it to Grammy on skype. We got all the decorations up for Gracie's Birthday tomorrow, the cake is made and now we are one sleep away!

Today's Positives.

1. We put the Christmas window clings up and Gracie kept touching them and saying "I like"!

2. James and I played "catch" with the ball today. He loves rolling it back and forth!

3. Gracie asked to see Grammy's cat on skype and when she saw it she started jumping like mad for joy!

4. Gracie was walking around saying "Hi, I'm Gracie!"

5. James has learned to climb up on the couch all by himself!

6. Gracie asked to watch a "moomie" and when I said "Say please" James responded with "Lees".

Well that sums it up for today. Hope you all have a goodnight!
-Matt and Soph

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 199: Ish it Shunday Already?

Today's positives:

1: The kids let me sleep in until 7am today! I just want to tell you that, THAT WAS AWESOME!

2: We started the advent calendar a day late... I have decided to fill it with their left over halloween candy. Gracie is super excited and keeps asking me for more "canyee"

3: We made some home made decorations for Gracie's birthday on Tuesday! Gracie had a good time coloring and sticking. We will be sure to take lots of pictures tomorrow! Jay even did some coloring :). I might also add that Matt's paper guitar was looking pretty snazzy!

4: It was nice laying on the bed listening to Daddy and the kiddos playing together. Nobody can make them laugh like he can.

So excited for tomorrow! I have been planning all sorts of decorations for Gracie's birthday and I think it's going to look awesome!

Oh I do love it when a plan comes together :D

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 198: 3 days till b-day!

Today has been a busy day! This morning we stopped by our friends cupcake stall at the farmers market! Very cool place to go on a Saturday morning. Cupcakes are definitely a great incentive!
Then we had to run to the post office and finally the grocery store. All before 11am!

Today's positives:

1: James has decided he no long is interested in nursing. He had his first taste of milk. He was not at all impressed and proceeded to spit most of it out. I am thinking he is going to be another coconut milk baby!

2: Gracie had her frog potty out this afternoon. She had a great time showing her baby doll how to use it and even had me pretend to empty it once her doll was finished!

3: James and I had some very rare alone time today, while Daddy and Gracie were sleeping. We had fun playing with his ball and looking out of the window.

4: Gracie enjoyed skyping with Grammy and Grandpa and even Great Grandma for a little while. She especially likes to show them how to jump.

The most part of our day has been spent outside running errands so not too much to blog about today!
Hoping we get to do something fun tomorrow.

Goodnight all

- Sophie