Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 177: September 29th

I 'm sorry I'm so behind in blogging. My internet has been down for a couple of days! Thankfully it was up and running this morning :)

Yesterday we had fun with Cousins A, G and L.

The kids pulled out the play tent and all 5 of them had fun sitting inside. I looked in the peep hole and saw lots of happy little faces grinning back at me.

I put James and Lochlan in the pack 'n play and they had a great time sharing toys and hangin out!

The kids watched curious George. One of Daddy's favorite books as a child.

Gracie and I had a great time snuggled up on the sofa, eating oreo's and watching T.V.

I love all these lil guys :)

- Sophie

Day 176: September 28th


I took the kids to Co-Op. It was so much fuuuun.

Gracie spent almost the entire time playing with the play kitchen. She was pretending to fill her cup from the tap and microwave it. I was so impressed to see my little one acting so grown up.

James loves to climb in and out of the tree house. He was making me so nervouse but he quickly showed me he was more than capable.

Gracie sat at the table with one of her little friends and they played teaparty. It was so cute!

I love seeing my litte ones have the chance to play with other kiddo's! Gracie loves to hug and stroke the little babies :)

Such a happy Mama!

- Sophie

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 175. Another Day In Paradise

Today we didn't do much, spent the day together as a family and spent the day hanging out. I have found that the most mundane day can be fun as long as we are all together!

Today's Positives.

1. After we went shopping Gracie held her hands up to Sophie and said "Pick up". It was adorable.

2. James has been eating all of his food, I think he is going through a growing spurt.

3. Gracie kept coming over to the kitchen and asking for juice. Her vocabulary never ceases to impress me!

4. Gracie, James and Sophie walked me to work. I always enjoy their company :)

5. I was throwing James in the air and he was laughing and grinning ear to ear

Well that sums up today, I hope everyone has a goodnight.


Day 174: September 26th

Yesterdays positives:

1: I noticed Gracie has taken to walking around with her fingers crossed. It's kinda cute :)

2: James now officially calls me Mama. I wasn't completely sure until yesterday!

3: Both the kiddo's are obviously feeling much much better.

4: It's funny watching James learn to use all 4 of his little teeth. He looks cute biting down and ripping off what ever he is eating!

5: Gracie climbed up in my lap for a cuddle. She wanted to sit as close as she could and even wanted us to be nose to nose lol.

That's about all.

Write again later!

- Sophie

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 173: BoohooBooBoo

We did write a post for yesturday. We just forgot to post it!

Today has been a challenging day...

We are thankful to be together, that we have no seriouse health issues and God provides in every situation.

The children have been on meds that cause them to sleep so really nothing has happened.

Hope you all had a fantastic day!


- Sophie

Day 172. Dryer Fixed!

Today we had a great time skyping with Grammy, going for a walk, and playing with toys. Also the dryer guy came and fixed our dryer so we can now clean and dry all of our laundry!

Today's Possitives.

1. I asked Gracie if she was hungry and she said "yes" then I asked her what she wanted and she said "toast". I love that my little girl can ask for what she wants.

2. James and Gracie both were trying to watch the dryer guy as he tore apart the dryer.

3. I put  A Charlie Brown Christmas on for Gracie because it's one of my favorites and she seemed to love it!

4. We went to the beach and Gracie loved chasing the sea gulls and james enjoyed being close to muumy in the moby.

Well it was a slow day and I am sure more things happened but those are the highlights that stick out :)


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 171: Lazy Day Sunday

Today has been a bit of a lazy day, we didn't go anywhere and the kids and Sophie seem to be feeling much better for the rest!

Today's Positives.

1. Sophie and the kiddos walked me to work and they hung out for a while. Gracie enjoyed picking up rocks to show me. I think I may have to get her a rock tumbler soon. (That's for you, Sophie ;)

2. We asked Gracie if she could share her blanket with James and she immediately covered him with it.

3. Gracie has a lot of words in her vocabulary now. We kept asking her to repeat words and she did great!

4. While I was cooking dinner Gracie and James went to their bedroom and were having a great time playing together.

5. Gracie went into the guard shack were I work and sat down on the chair and watched football for a while!

Now we are looking forward to me having 3 days off to hang out with the family!

Goodnight All,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 170. Another Great Saturday

Today has been a fun day hanging out with the family. The kids got to sit facing each other in the cool cart at Wal-mart and we had fun cuddling up together as a family on the couch.

Today's Positives.

1. James and Gracie slept in til around 8 and then got up in fantastic moods!

2. Gracie and James kept getting smiles from everybody around Wal-mart and for the most part were well behaved.

3. I carried James for a while while shopping and he just cuddled into my chest. Its always nice and relaxing holding him when he is in such a great mood

4. James put himself to sleep all by himself first try. He is growing up so fast.

5. After going to bed Gracie decided to get up for a sneaky cuddle with mummy. I think they both enjoyed themselves

Well that's it for today.

Good night everyone,

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 169: September 21st

Today's positives:

1: The kids spent the morning with Daddy. They had breakfast and watched The Cat in the Hat.

2: The kids and I had to go to the bank. I gave Gracie lots or words to practise saying dure in the car ride. Her speech is comming along so well. I even had her practise "Cardinals and Bears" just for Daddy :)

3: James is learning to put him self to sleep in his own bed. It is hard for me to see my little boy take this next step in to toddlerdom and away from babyhood. I had to laugh as I went to check on him and found him on his belly reaching through his crib for the box of little people animals. He was not so ammused to discover it was bedtime not playtime. These babies are growing way too fast!

4: Gracie and I played ball today. She is now starting to get hold of the idea that you throw the ball back, not just run and fetch it.

That's all for today folks.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Day 168: September 20th

Today's positives:

1: Gracie had a good ol' time standing on the coffee table shouting "Be Happy"

2: We walked Daddy to work.

3: The kids ate up all their Shepard's pie.

4: We all sat and colored in together. James didn't seem too interested but Gracie had a wonderful time.

5: Cousins A, G and L came over. Gracie loves seeing her big cousins.  James and Lochlan had a good time together. They kept putting their hands out and touching each others faces.

6: Gracie and I read bible stories. It's very rare we get time to sit together undisturbed :)

7: We also hooked up our T.V and watched some shows on Netflix. Gracie thought this was excellent. We found Dinosaurs. Which is a super cheesy show I remember from when I was a kid!

Any way! Pictures below :)

More later!

- Sophie

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 167: September 19th

Today has been another very quiet day.

Matthew has officially got all of his paper work finished for the Navy and is just waiting for his final clearance.

The kids are still pretty unwell.

Last night Matt and I started making Halloween decorations for them so I will include some pictures.

Today's positives:

1: We gave the kids a new veggie tales to watch. We were going to put it away for Christmas but thought it would be a good way to keep them resting for a while. Today was saw The Pirates That Don't do Anything!

2: Gracie was very excited by the decorations we put up. I believe we got an "Oh WOW"

3: James officially has 3 teeth.

4: By bed time both of their fevers were gone!

5: James enjoyed chatting with Grammy for a little while. He particularly enjoyed his game of peek-a-boo with the Teddy Bear.

That's about all for today.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 166: 9mnth check up

Today Matt passed his physical so we are one step closer to being a Navy family. I am super proud of him!

This morning was James's 9 month check up. He is looking great. 18lbs and I THINK 24inchs! He is 60% for his height which is awesome because last time he was only 25th%

Both of the kids have had high fevers today and literally watched T.V and laid on the sofa ALL day.

Nothing else to report. It hasn't been a bad day though. I suppose days like these are bound to happen :)

I have enjoyed plenty of snuggly cuddles from both my little ones. I would definatly say thats a positive :)

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 165: Sept 17th

Today's positives:

1: We all managed to wake up early (not that, that is ever really a problem for my children).

2: We had our grocery shopping done by 9am!

3: We took Daddy to the recruiting office so they can take him up to Jacksonville for MEPS. It will be our first night sleeping in the apartment with out him on the property. Hope everything is going well for him!

4: We came home and played lots of fun games. Gracie kept pretending to pour me tea and laughed as I sipped it.

5: I took the babies for a walk along the beach. Then we sat at the playground for a while. Gracie spent the entire time climbing up and down the steps. She would reach the top, see another kid and then climb back down quick. Kinda silly and funny.

6: Auntie Shay and the boys met us at the playground and we went for another stroll along the beach. It was very relaxing. Gracie had fun chasing the boys and James chilled in the Moby.

It's been a pretty calm day today. Can't wait to go get Daddy tomorrow!

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 164: September 16th

Tomorrow Matthew goes to Jacksonville for his physical and interview. Seems like the Navy is getting closer and closer but still a whole lot of hurry up and wait!

Today's positives:

1: Gracie and James both had a good time in thier Sunday classes. Gracie cried because she wasn't ready to leave!

2: When they woke up the kids enjoyed some yummy stir-fry!

3: Gracie had fun playing with her tea set.

4: James has been practising standing with out holding on. He can do it for a few seconds now!

5: We went on two lovely walks. Gracie thought it was a splendid treat to be able to go say goodnight to Daddy in her pj's!

6: Both the kids enjoyed talking to Grammy on the phone. James had a whole lot to say!

7: Gracie had fun playing catch for ages this afternoon!

Well that's it for today.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 163: Chilling with the family :)

Today has been a pretty good, relaxing day. We went for a walk, watched a veggietales, and lounged around the house.

Today's Positives.

1. Gracie is doing fantastic with her potty training. Only two accidents today!

2. James has been having a hard time with teething today but it has made for lots of cuddles.

3. James ate almost his entire dinner. He has the eating habits of me :)

4. Gracie brought her childrens bible over to me and asked me to read a bible story.

Well it was a slow but fun day!

I hope everyone has a good night.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 162. Friday at the park

Today I got to hang out with Gracie for a few hours and we had a great time dancing, playing at the play ground, and chasing lizards!

Today's Positives.

1. When we went to the play ground Gracie decided she wanted to swing on the big swings instead of the baby swing. She kept yelling "Weeee" and had a huge grin on her face.

2. Gracie climbed the ladder up to the slide all by herself. She was quite proud of herself!

3. Gracie also went down the slide all by herself. First sliding on her belly and then sitting normal.

4. When I gave Gracie a cookie I told her to say please to which she responded "No, cook". I tried to explain what please was and she got angry at me for trying to change the name and this time yelled "NO, COOK!".

5. Gracie and I had an awesome day together and when I asked her if she had fun today she got a huge smile and said Yes! I love my little girlie :)

- Matthew

James and I went to Co-op with Cousins A and G today. We had so much fun! He played with all the other little babies. One he especially liked and kept patting her. It was very cute.
 I missed my little Gracie. We did have a fun bath and bed time. Gracie also enjoyed her dinner. She tried cucumber and tomato's.
 What a fun and lovely day!

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 161: Kid Down

Today's positives:

1: The kids got up with Daddy this morning. Thank you Daddy xx

2: James has his two top teeth almost poking through!! I think he is going to look adorable with teeth :)

3: We got to watch Cousin's A and G this afternoon. Everyone had a good time playing together. We watch "An American Tale" which was one of my favorite movies as a kid. The storey of Fival the mouse.

4: We got to skype with Grandad in England and Grammy in South Carolina.

5: We enjoyed a nice evening stroll through the complex. It has started to get cooler in the evenings which I LOVE! Gracie said "hey" to everyone we passed.

Tomorrow we are going to Co-op with my lovely little nephews.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 160: September 12th

Today's positives:

1: Today Daddy made eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast. The kiddos seemed to really enjoy it!

2: It looks like James might  finally be getting his top two teeth through. Looks pretty brutal in there right now though, poor little feller.

3: We went out and ran some errands which ended up taking a lot longer than we thought. We did find "The Pirates that don't do anything" in the $5 bin at Walmart. Always exciting!

4: Daddy caught a lizard in Target and let Gracie see/touch him. She seemed quite excited by it.

5: We had to stop and grab a quick bite to eat as the kiddo's were so hungry and cranky we thought they may actually eat us! We had a lovely time being together.

6: Me and the kids went out for an afternoon walk. We bumped in to Auntie Shay and Cousins so we ended up walking with them for a while. Gracie loves to run around after A and G.

7: We ended up going to Wednesday night church for the first time. Gracie was having such a great time playing when I went to go get her she didn't even notice I was there.

It's been a pretty full day today!

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 159: Tuesday Picnic

Today's positives:

1: We started the day with an impromptu beach picnic. Afterwards we walked the kids up the pier. Gracie enjoyed picking shells up on the beach. I accidentally picked up a jelly fish. Thankfully it only freaked me out and didn't sting me!

2: James and I had a lovely snuggle even though he was supposed to be sleeping!

3: Gracie enjoyed her veggie sausage at lunch time so much she asked for another one and stood on her chair under the breakfast bar watching it being made.

4: Matt and the kids watched Lyle the kindly viking together.

5: Matt asked Gracie if she would like another sandwich and she pointed her finger in the air and said "YES!". Maybe you had to be there but it was pretty darn cute!

Today has been kind of slow but still nice.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 158: Sept 10th

Today's positives:

1: We went and tried out Target's new grocery section and we had a great time looking around all the cool stuff they have! Gracie got to ride in their fun cart attachment for big kids. I have no idea how else to describe it!

2: We went to the beach. James practised walking whilst holding on to Mummy and Daddy. Gracie enjoyed picking up shells, running in the surf, chasing birds, stomping and throwing sand and other beach type stuff!

3: Aedan and Gunnar came over to play. Everyone had a good time hangin out together.

4: James ate 4 veggie nuggets, a pile of frys and almost an entire apple cinnamon cereal bar for dinner. I think he must be having a growth spurt!

5: We took a walk down to the mailbox. Gracie wore her toy plastic hardhat we got from National night out a few weeks ago. She went exploring in the bushes and was very excited to see lizards and find walnuts. She enjoyed carrying the walnuts and kicking them. Daddy even found a toad and she liked to watch it hop.

It's been a nice first day back.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 157: I L Y Matt!

Today's positives:

1: The kids were soooo well behaved in the car today. They both only cried once and it was more just 5 minutes of grumbling. It was also only in the last 20 minutes of driving after an 8hr car ride. I am very proud of them!

2: We stopped at the Georgia welcome center to stretch our legs. We fought our way in to the bathroom and all the way down to the disable stall, when a member of staff kindly asked me to vacate the stall and go use the proper family bathroom. I have to admit I was not thrilled initially buuuuuut, FAMILY BATHROOMS ARE AMAZING!! I had James in his stroller and Gracie stood with him and we had room to do everything we needed to do without anyone touching anything yucky or doing anything gross!

3: Gracie was sitting in the passenger seat next to me eating her lunch and she suddenly stuck her foot in the air saying "pigs". She loves "This little Piggy went to market"!

4: I asked Gracie "Are we going to see Daddy today?", She replied "Daddy, YES! YAY YAY"

5: Both the babies had a wonderful time playing with Daddy this afternoon. We have missed him so much.

I am so thankful to my wonderful Hubby for having our house spotless clean and shining. I don't think I could have done as good a job! I am so glad to be home. I love you sweetheart xxx

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 156: Picture Blog

Today's blog is just going to be pictures from the past few weeks. Hope you all enjoy!!

Day155: September 7th

This post is on behalf of yesterday.

I was feeling pretty ill so we really got nothing done and I didn't have much to write about.


1: Grammy only had to work until 2 so she had a nice afternoon playing with the babies.

2: Gracie and I cuddled up on the sofa and watched Loony Toons.

3: We got to skype with Daddy.

That's all I can think of!

Blog ya later :)

- Sophie

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 154: September 6th

Today allergy's have been kicking my butt and poor little James has been suffering too so not got much done!

Today's positives:

1: We barricaded the babies in the living room with the travel crib and suitcases. It was nice for James to have the freedom to crawl around and not escape.

2: Gracie has enjoyed sticking stickers all over me, her, James and her paper.

3: Gracie sprawled out on the couch and watched veggie tales this afternoon.

4: We enjoyed skyping with Great Grandma and Daddy!

5: Gracie and James loved sitting on the deck with me blowing bubbles.

6: When Grammy got home from work we all went swimming. Gracie kicked her legs and used her arms. She is so close to swimming totally on her own! James was in his rubber ring and was kicking his legs, splashing and grinning. We all had a good time.

Well that's all I can think of for now.

Goodnight all


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 153: Van Fixed

We got our van fixed today! Turned out it just need a new tire. Thank you Lord! It wasn't tooo expensive to fix and we get to go home to Daddy on Sunday.

Today's positives:

 1: Gracie apparently enjoyed riding in Grammy's car with her window rolled down.

2: We built an awesome fort in the living room. Gracie was jumping in it and laughing. Then she would squat down and wave at us. James liked crawling in and out playing with the blanket roof.

3: Gracie enjoyed coloring today. She did give herself blue lips while I was distracted...

4: James ate a huge bowl full of leek and potato soup that nobody else was brave enough to eat! He also went on to help everyone else with their dinners too. I think both of my kiddo's are having growth spurts.

5: I enjoyed sitting doing nursery rhymes with Gracie. She can do almost all of the actions to all of them now. I am very proud :)

6: James keep trying to let go whilst he is standing up. He is so close to being able to stand alone!

Today has really mostly involved getting our van fixed, napping and the grocery store. It's amazing how fast time has gone!

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 152: Van Doctor Needed

Today's positives:

1: Me and the kids took a lovely morning nap.

2: Gracie was super well behaved around both grocery stores!

3: James and Gracie loved riding in the Police Car Cart again. Gracie was turning the wheel and acting like she was really driving. She turned to my Mum and said "Mine". James was a bit put out that Gracie made him take a back seat while driving ;)

4: Gracie ate so much food today its crazy. She must be having a growth spurt! She finished off almost a full tube of baby snacks. She got out of bed, gave my Mum her pacifier and set about happily munching. We didn't know what she was doing until she proudly brought me the empty container!

5: My mum drew around their hands today and got cute little prints.

6: Gracie enjoyed making paper dolls. Mostly sticking stickers on them.

7: James loves to dance as my Mum hum or sings silly little tunes.

8: We had a lovely time skyping with Great Grandma today. Gracie showed her how she can make 3 oreo's disappear in less than 10 minutes.

That's all I can think of for today!

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 151: On the Toad again..

Okay, we did set out for Florida this morning but our van seems to have a case of the jitters. We won't be able to take it in until Wednesday because of the holiday so looks like I'm hanging out in Sumter for a bit longer. I will enjoy the bonus time with my folks :)

Today's positives:

1: I did actually manage to have us packed and on the road by 8am! Not bad for a dry run ;)

2: When I decided to pull over we went to a BP and just so happened to run in to a mechanic who was able to give me a rough diagnosis of the problem. I was so glad as I was on the verge of panic!

3: I took the kids over to a Taco Bell to wait for my Mum and Rob to get there. They were both pretty well behaved. Gracie did have one time out and some redneck woman with a giant beehive hair cut glared at me...

4: Gracie chose Taco Bell to be the first place she told me she needs to go poop on the potty... I was very proud of her even if it was a place she wasn't able to go because I refuse to let her sit on the public potty seats lol!

5: Gracie treated us to some lovely singing all the way home. She really got quite in to it. One of her verses went something like "I say yeah, I say yeah, I say yeah" At least that's what it sounded like to me!

6: Both of the kids loved taking a bath in my Mum's giant tub! They can both pretty much swim in it.

7: James and Gracie ate a big bowl of shepards pie each for dinner.

That's about it for today.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 150: Two Notch

Today was our last day in South Carolina! Gonna miss my lovely parents but I am ready to see Mr. Eriks!

Today's positives:

1: Today we went to the lovely outdoor mall in Columbia. The kids took a nap while we were driving.

2: We went to Panera Bread for lunch. Gracie and James enjoyed PB and J sandwiches which are a rare treat as Gracie can't have PB very often. James got in such a mess I had to strip him down and wipe him head to toe right in the middle of the restaurant.

3: We had fun looking around the Learning Express toy store and World Market. Although I think James has become too big for the Moby. It kills my shoulders carrying my heavy little lump around!

4: All the way home Gracie made Grammy play Round and Round the Garden and This little Piggy.

5: The kids showed Grammy and Grandpa, Big River Rescue. A favorite veggie tale in our house!

6: Both babies enjoyed their dinner of stir fry tonight!

Well that's about it for today.

Looong drive tomorrow so I'm gonna go sleep!

Goodnight all


Day 149: September 1st

This is posted for yesterday.

Today's positives:

1: My mum got up with the babies so I could sleep in a little bit. A huge positive for me!

2: We all went shopping at Walmart. I needed to get an oil change before the drive home.
I found a movie in the $5 bin that I used to LOVE as a child. It's about a little mouse called Fival. I think I will put it in James's stocking. This week I also got some wooden dolls with magnetic clothes and accessory's for Gracie. I think she is going to love it! The best part is I got 40% off because my awesome Mother found me a great online coupon!!!

3: Gracie enjoyed riding on Grammy's shoulders part of the way around Walmart. She also enjoyed looking at the fish. She went to every tank and touched it say "Chish" which is what she calls fish.

4: That afternoon Grammy put on Hoodwinked and we had Veggie hotdogs for lunch. Both the kids ate them up.

5: We also watched Shrek as yesterday was kind of a chill out day.

6: Grammy pumped Gracie full of skittles.

7: James had chocolate coconut ice cream. I am definitely going to get us some when we get home!

8: Gracie went to bed with no less than 7 different blankets all in a huge pile that she jumped on!

Well today is probably our last day in South Carolina! I  am going to REALLY miss my parents but  I am really looking forward to seeing Matthew!

Catch ya later!
