Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 56: Attack of the killer swan.

Today started out nice and calm, we went to the play ground and Gracie had a fabulous time running around playing. Then we went for a nice quiet walk around the lake... We almost got murdered by a rather large, angry swan, who had good taste in footwear as it decided to steal and guard my mothers flip-flop.

Today's positives:

S: We slept in until 7am! Lovely for Mummy :)

G: I had fun pushing Gracie on the swing and hearing her squeal with laughter, shouting "WEEEEEE", then playing on the climbing frame. She has excellent balance for one so young.

S: It was funny watching Gracie climb in the tunnel and peek out at everyone. Then once in a while wave at me with a huge grin on her face.

G: It was very cute having Gracie help me push James in the stroller.

S: James was splayed out and sleeping while we took a nice walk. He seems to love being out side and finds it very relaxing.

S: I actually managed to nurse James while we walked around Walmart. Auntie Shay got me a nursing cape for my baby shower and it has turned out to be one of my most used and prized possessions.

G: I am quite impressed with the way Gracie asks to take a nap when she is tried, she walks to her bed, points and waits to be lifted in. Then she snuggles down to sleep.

S: I am also feeling quite pleased with how well she has taken to time out. While I do not like having to punish my baby I am very proud of how well she has responded to the occasional correction. She will not move off her cushion until she is told to do so and has become quite good at listening to explanation of punishment then giving cuddles.

G: Swimming with the children was quite an adventure. James quite enjoyed being gently swished through the water. Gracie on the other hand believes she is part fish!

S: Gracie has become quite fearless in the water. She likes to be dunked under and I think she has the determination to possibly learn to swim this summer.

G:After dinner Grandpa treated everyone to a trip to the ice cream parlor. It was fun sharing an ice cream with Gracie. (Strawberry with sprinkles).

S: James did have a little lick of my ice cream teehee.

G: I was very glad both the babies where in the stroller when the swan chased us. 

Well today has been VERY busy and tiring. Our swan adventure was funny enough to add in but not necessarily be considered a positive...

Whilst walking along the river a swan slowly swam towards the bank. As we wandered a long the dirt path we were quite surprised as it hopped out of the water and started to charge us. Mum and I both being girls and slightly afraid of big white beasty started to scream and panic run in circles. Somewhere in the commotion Mum lost her flip-flop. It was then I knew it was game over.
Swan then grabbed mum by her charming purple shirt and mum returned the favor with a firm grip of its neck. I, seeing them in each others death grip panicked further and charged at the squabble screaming a scream that sounded like it might belong on the sound track to Jurassic Park (T-Rex voice over). Then offering my best high karate kick the swan who released my mother and stopped to have a quick "Oh no she dihent" moment, then proceeded to chase me, before realizing my madness was not worth it and going back towards angry screaming purple lady.
By this point my mum hopped past me on one foot with the stroller screaming "save yourself forget the shoe"
After running to a safe distance, we turned to observe the swan who was now back at the flip-flop marching back and forth, wings splayed and honking. The mother in me took over and knowing I did not have enough gas to go home to get my mother different shoes before going to Walmart I waited for the swan to go back to the water before running and grabbing the shoe then returning it to it's rightful (non webbed foot) owner.
 Needless to say we both felt a bit like jello and rather shocked that nobody had come to tell us off for making such a racket never mind rescue us.
When talking to the owner of the park cafe she told me this swan manages to bite at least one person every year and is known for being aggressive. Slight shocked and annoyed that they don't have warning signs Beware Psycho Swan.

Okay, now we have that off our chest. I think it's time to go chill out!

Goodnight all

- Sophie and Grammy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 55: Brown Bear Brown Bear

Today has been a nice day. Mum had to work for half of it but we did enjoy a nice morning with her, then we had Grandpa to hang out with for the evening.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie has been on her best behaviour today. I can't recall a single meltdown besides disapproving of diaper changes...

2: James enjoyed sitting with Gracie on Grammy's lap, having a nice storey. (Brown bear Brown bear)

G: I blew bubbles with the babies out on the deck. It was cute.

3: Gracie and James had fun playing together. James would duck forward and go nose to nose with Gracie and then they would both laugh hysterically. Then Gracie gave James lots of kisses and love.

4: Gracie has been very sweet to her brother today, tending to all his needs.

5: James and I went and did a Walmart run this morning. It was lovely soaking up all his smiles while I pushed him around in the cart.

6: J actually settled and manged to go to sleep before 8pm today!

Looking forward to my Mama having the next 3 days off work!

Goodnight all

- Soph

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 54: Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Today I have my first guest blogger, my Mama *grin*. Seeing as Matt is M: she is going to be G: for Grammy.

Today's positives:

S: We had a better nights sleep last night, in the fact that we actually got some!

G: Today I got to spend the entire day with my daughter and grandbabies which was exhausting and fun. It was funny watching Gracie and seeing Sophie as a small child again. Gracie is a lot like her Mama. She is fiercely independent, strong willed, brave and adventurous, all wonderful attributes.

S: It was cute watching Gracie go out with her big hat, beads and sparkly shoes. I can't wait to see what her fashion sense is like when she is older.

G: James sat up! All by himself for almost a minute.

S: Mum and I tag teamed a double trouble diaper changing session this afternoon. While Gracie was not so amused, James found it quite the comedy to watch his big sister physically express her displeasure.

G: Lol, yes, James does find Gracie's flailing arms and legs hilarious which in itself is pretty funny. He has such an infectious laugh. James is such a happy baby, he grins at every opportunity.

S: I was proud of my little girl managing to climb three flights of stairs to get up and down to Grammy's apartment.

G:  We had quite a fun time taking the children for a walk around the neighbourhood. James enjoyed being carried by his Mummy in the Moby and Gracie enjoyed setting the pace and direction which was fine because who needs to actually walk in a direct line right? She was very inquisitive and showed a lot of curiosity in a small tree, she found a piece of bark that fell off the tree and was quite determined to reattach it. It was pretty funny to watch her try and climb the tree, again, another of her Mummy's childhood traits coming out in her.

S: While we were investigating trees Gracie found a nice little ant nest. I think it was probably one of the scariest moments so far for me as I watched the tiny black critters cover my baby's little feet and legs. Thankfully my Mum still has her Mummy ninja reflexes and between us we managed to pull off her shoes and get them off her before too much damage occurred. I know this may not seem like a positive but what I was most proud of was how my little one handled this situation. Not only did she not freak out and grab at her legs but she was fine and ready to get down and play once me and my mum had finished bashing all the ants off her. In fact she was angrier at being held down than she was being bitten. She is very brave!

G: I got to feed James his lunch which may seem like no big deal but since he is breastfed it was very kind of Sophie to give me the opportunity to share this precious time with my beautiful Grandson.

S: Gracie tried meatless corn dogs and meatless meatballs today. She seemed to really enjoy them. I also noticed they are dye and preservative free. Always an added bonus :)

Today has been a full, fun and VERY tiring day. I am so glad I came up here to visit. I am having a brilliant time, and it's going by quickly.

G: My only wish is that my favourite son-in-law was here too. Matt, thank you for letting your precious little family visit with us for so long. Love you Son-shine.

G'night all.

- Sophie and Grammy

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 53: Hangin out with Grandpa

My mum had to work for most of today so the kids and I got to hang out with Grandpa :)

I am very grateful for his help this morning as I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and he very kindly watched Gracie for me so I could get an extra couple of hours.

Today's positives:

1: Mum made eggie bread for Gracie this morning, now I have a new way to get her to eat eggs!

2: James did a lot more sitting up today.

3: Gracie, James and I all got to take a big nap in the spare room together this afternoon.

4: Rob managed to coax Gracie in to eating more of her dinner this evening. This is a very impressive feat.

5: Gracie has been excellent with the cats. She hasn't chased or even really tried to touch them. Every once in a while she sticks out a finger but for the most part she has been a very patient observer.

6: She has also been very co operative and obedient when it comes to not going in to certain rooms alone or touching things. I am very proud of her :)

7: Rob got Gracie an apple slush from sonic and she loved it. She in fact carried it around all afternoon and enjoyed it very much.

Tomorrow we are hoping the storms hold off long enough to go for a picnic or a swim!

Goodnight all

- Soph

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 52: Iris festival.

Today started with a visit to my mum's awesome garage workshop. I got to have ago at enameling a bead and almost burnt her arm off... Definitely singed a few hairs. It was fun if not a little scarey.

Then this afternoon was the Iris festival. It wasn't as big as last year. Which may be because we went on the last day and everything had already happened.. It was pretty hot but had some neat things to see and do. I am hoping to go next year when Gracie will be old enough to do most of the activities.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie enjoyed the crepes and fruit Grammy made her for breakfast, she also enjoyed her first veggie curry with naan bread for dinner. I was very impressed that she also liked and ate 2 whole mushrooms.

2: Gracie enjoyed looking at (from a distance) goats, llamas and camels at the iris festival.

3: James was snuggled to sleep by Grammy at bedtime. First person besides me he has fallen asleep on. It was also the first time he has had a paci and kept it in.

Having a hard time remembering a lot of today as we have all had a very sleepy day!
I am very much ready for bed! Even if I am sleeping next to a squirmy 17 month old.

Goodnight all



Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 51: and a half...

So yesterday we missed out on blogging! The drive to my mums house was long, and apart from a bit of a nutty hour where James decided to sing and we had a bit of a hairy moment with the car seat and a truck rest stop, it was plain sailing! We left around 3.30pm and arrived at 10.15pm. As a non stop drive its 6 hours so we did well.

Today has been a lovely first day. Gracie has had three showers, James took a 3 hour nap and its been pretty relaxed.  Even a trip to Walmart was not so bad, considering it was a holiday weekend.

Today's positives:

1: Grace enjoyed taking a shower, the water pressure is not too hard on her, Good job as she has been quite the mucky pup!

2: James has been very content sat watching everyone in his little bouncy seat.

3: Gracie has been excellent and not really gotten in to much mischief... Of which there has been plenty of opportunity. She has even been nice to the cats. Only stopping to pretend to tickle them.

4: Gracie got to show her Grandpa the joys of Yo GabbaGabba...

5: James got his first bath in the kitchen sink. Just like Gracie used to have when she was his size :)

6: Gracie is spending her first night in a bed with out sides! She is sleeping in a real bed. She was going to sleep on the new camping bed but she rolled off it and when I went to check on her she was sleeping underneath it... So now she is in a proper safe bed :) I guess I'm camping out ;)

7: Gracie has enjoyed dressing up today. She had a lovely time in her Easter hat, Grammy's fluffy socks, a long string of beads and a little gold bracelet that belonged to my Mum as a little girl.

8: James enjoyed a lovely storey time with Grandpa. Brown bear Brown bear.

Well that's enough for today! Tomorrow is the Iris festival :)

Goodnight all

- Soph                                                             

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 50: Road trip!

Tomorrow I am going on my first road trip alone with the babies! We are going to Grammy and Grandpa's house for a week. Very excited! Gracie has packed 5 pairs of shoes and a hat, bless my little dolly's heart. I love my little girly girl.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie bent over and wiggled her fingers at the dog saying "tickle tickle", you may have had to have been there but it was pretty funny.

2: The kids had a lovely storey time with Daddy this morning.

3: Gracie helped me pack up ready for our big trip tomorrow.

4: The kids went to bed nice and early tonight so I have plenty of time to get everything ready for tomorrow and get a gooood nights sleep!

There may not be a blog post tomorrow as I will be on the road... I will resume normal posting Saturday :)

Goodnight all!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 49: May 23rd

Thank goodness for my wonderful hubby's TLC last night. I was not feeling good! Glad he kept on top of our blog for us too :) Today has been pretty productive. We got up early, had breakfast, bathed the dog and walked her, and then went about our normal day until Matt went to work.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie practised stacking blocks and knocking them down.

2:  James started to learn the art of sitting up. He can now do sit ups if I hold on to his legs and can sit for a few seconds at at time!

3: Gracie had her beads out and enjoyed threading them.

4: James tried peaches and oatmeal today. The oatmeal wasn't planned but for once he decided he MUST share his sisters dinner...

5:  Gracie climbed up on the sofa and took a nap, all of her own accord. I think she must still be feeling a bit groggy from her bout of measles but it was cute all the same.

6: Both of the babies snuggled in to me before bed and we all had a lovely cuddle. They were even making each other laugh by reaching out to each other and wiggling their fingers.

It feels so strange to start our week on a Wednesday. I can't complain about Matt actually getting 2 days off a week though. It's lovely. :) Pics below!

Goodnight All

- Sophie

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 48: Not So Fast.

Sophie isn't feeling the greatest, so I'll be doing the blog tonight. Today was a calm and quiet day, well as quiet as a day can be when you have 2 kids! We had a lot of fun and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. That's the great thing with kids, even on ordinary days things still seem great :)

Today's Positives,

1. James has been in a fantastic mood all day and has been smiling at everything.

2. We went to a healthy food store and Gracie got some fruit bears and absolutely loved them.

3. Gracie tried to play "Hidey Boo" with James. They were both giggling.

4. After our daily walk Gracie picked up Bays leash and walked her up stairs. I think she really loves that dog :)

5. James and I sat reading a book today, I think its great that my kids like reading.

6. Gracie got dragged a book and her baby doll to the couch and tried reading it to the doll. It was adorable.

Well those are some of the highlights, I hope everyone had a great day.


Matt and Soph.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 47: Measles

Today has been a full day.
I rescued a mole(or baby gofer as some people thought) from being trampled in the parking lot by a scary screaming lady. We found out Gracie has a case of measles from getting the vaccine 2 weeks ago. We hung out alot. Went on a 2 hour walk and tomorrow Matt is taking the ASVAB! Exciting!!!! We are also including some pics from the past few days, just cos they are cute and I forgot to post them :)

Today's positives:

S: I got to take a nap with James.

M: Gracie carried the bag from Walgreen's up the stairs for me.

S: Gracie wore her hat all day long. She in fact spent most of her day in just her hat and a diaper.

M: I got to give James a bottle for the first time in a long time!

S: I enjoyed reading Brown Bear Brown Bear to Gracie.

M: The highlight of being a parent so far happened to day. While we had Gracie and James in the bathtub, Gracie was dancing and doing anything she could to make James laugh and he was laughing hysterically.

S: I have to admit the bath was pretty much one of my favorite moments as a parent so far. I just love the relationship my children are building.

M: I like how they both where content and happy when we went for a walk with them.

We hope you enjoy the pictures!

Goodnight all

-Matt n Soph

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 46: May 20th

Today has been the most normal quiet day possible. I really have pretty much nothing to report... It's only two days until Matt goes to take the ASVAB for the Navy. It's all starting to come together now!

Today's positives:

1: Gracie's fever has gone now and she seems to be pretty much back to normal.

2: I forgot to mention yesterday that James tried squash for the first time! He liked it more than any of the other veggies he has tried.

3: Gracie found a doll that belonged to my mother as a child and has fallen in love with it. She even carried it to go get the mail and see Daddy.

4: Jame has started to babble. It really sounds like he is trying to talk.

5: Gracie tried edamamea (spelling?) today and loved it. A new healthy snack!

6: Gracie's feet are now size 6, this girl has giant feet. It's awesome though because she now fits a bunch of shoes we were given by her big cousin K :)

7: James, Daddy and I all laid on the bed together for a long time, chatting this morning.

I guess there was more to say that I thought :) I love doing this blog because it always surprises me to realize just how many things there are to be excited about.

Goodnight all

- Soph

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 45: Under the weather

G and J have both been under the weather today. The Doc said this might happen around a week after they got their shots.  They have still played and been very good though!

Today's positives:

1: G had home made tomato and red pepper soup, which is the first soup she has actually eaten and liked!
She also tried humus and loved it. Yippee!

2: James has gained a pound and a half in the last 2 weeks, bringing his grand total to 16lbs!

3: We had to run to the bank today and Gracie was trying to sing a long to the radio. Very cute!

4: James watched Dave and the giant pickle, a veggie tales movie this afternoon.

5: Gracie gladly gave up her paci after nap time today. She threw it in her crib. She has never really been allowed it any time she is out of her crib but has never been too fond of handing it over. I was quite excited about this!

Well that's all I can think of for now. Hoping tomorrow brings a fever free day and lot's more fun.

Goodnight all


Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 44: late night

Today has been pretty great. Matt worked the day shift so me and the kids hung out all day and then when Daddy got home we went grocery shopping, walked the dog, had dinner and hung out!

Today's positives:

1: James not only rolled today but did a series of rolls right across the living room floor!

2: I started running picture flash cards with Gracie today. She loved it. They have pictures of animals, places, colors and every day objects. She said a few new words so I guess it worked.

3: James enjoyed looking at his little Einsteins chewable baby book. He waved it all over the place and looked very intently at it.

4: While I was nursing James I suddenly heard Gracie's bedroom door shuts followed very closely by a little knocking sound... Every time Gracie shuts her self in some where she now knocks to be let out. I much prefer this to the hysterical crying we had before lol.

5: We packed Daddy a nice big lunch and walked it down to the guard check. It was nice to see Gracie running around having a good time in the sunshine. She also carried my tote bag home which is almost as big as her. Adorable!

6: Gracie was building with her duplo blocks for ages while Matt made dinner and I nursed James. It was nice to have everyone busy and content.

7: After bath time when Gracie had just gotten out of the tub. She put her arms up to Matt so picked her up and she gave him a great be soaking wet cuddle.

8: Both the babies snuggled in to Matt for milk time. Gracie even fed James some of his bottle.

9: After everyone was done with their bed time milk we all fell asleep in a big pile on the sofa.

Today has been a very pleasant day!

Goodnight all

-Soph n Matt

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 43: Bipity Bopity Boo

Quiet day here. Not bad though.

Today's positives:

1: James had his first taste of broccoli and cauliflower. He didn't seem to sure about it but Gracie really liked it!

2: Gracie has figured out how to buckle and unbuckle the straps on the baby swing.

3: Gracie had her tent out this morning, she played for a long time and when I went to check on her she was snuggled up with her blanket inside.

4:  Gracie decided James needed a drink this afternoon, when I walked in the room she was gladly giving him her sippy cup and he was having a good ol' drink.

5: James was crying in his swing and Gracie gave him his blanket to calm him down.

6: Gracie can now climb up and down stairs with no help! I can't believe how independent she is, I feel like she hardly needs me.

8: Matt said he loved playing with Gracie this afternoon, she was squeeling with laughter.

9: Today I was playing with both of my babies and it was fun to hear them both laughing at the same time!

Hope you all had a great thursday!

Goodnight all


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 42: Errand Day

Today we had to run a lot of errands. We got through it all pretty quickly and still had time to hang out this afternoon.

Today's positives:

1: We had so much to do this morning so we decided to stop for a snack. Gracie had cinnamon pretzel bites from Auntie Annes. She got terrifically sticky and enjoyed them very much.

2: We took the dog for a nice walk in the rain. Thankfully the kids have hoods on their stroller so they stayed nice and dry. Matt and I both enjoy being in the rain!

3: James has been rolling 3/4 of the way for some time now, but today he managed to get his arm out of the way and roll right on to his belly then almost on to his back again.

4: Gracie has decided that waving and saying "bye bye" means she does not have to do things she doesn't really want to. For example: "Gracie, let Mummy change your diaper"... Gracie: "Bye bye" Pauses to wave then turns and runs away at the speed of light. Maybe not a positive but it is rather cute...

5: James has discovered how to scream. He has decided this is something fun to do any time anywhere. It's quite adorable/funny and very loud!

Well thats it for now!
Goodnight all


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 41: Tea Party

Today was a bit crazy but we had a lot of great moments. We had some events transpire that caused us to postpone potty training, we will resume that endeavor again soon. We played with the kids a lot and got a lot of laughs and giggles!

Today's Positives,

M: I had a pillow fight with Gracie, she absolutely loved it. She was laughing and having a great time.

S: I enjoyed sitting on the couch this evening listening to Gracie in the bath shout "weeeee" and make big splashing noises, followed by her and Matt laughing hysterically.

M: I was feeding Gracie lunch and she got her little tea set out so we had a tea party! It was my first tea party and I must say, I quite enjoyed it. Gracie makes a very cute hostess :)

S: I enjoyed Listening to James talk away while he was standing in my lap!

M: James was in his swing and I hooked up a rattle toy for him. He loved it and just sat playing with it and grinning wide!

I hope everybody had a good day.

Matt and Soph

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 40: insert subliminal message here...

Well day one of potty training has been a HUGE mess. We are sticking with it though. Gracie now knows to run to the potty after she has finished peeing.. If only we could get her going before!

Today's positives:

M: I got to snuggle up with Gracie on the couch and watch a movie.

S: Gracie gave me lots and lots of kisses today.

M: James was laughing at me blowing raspberrys on his belly.

S: Gracie was trying to potty train her baby doll. It was fun to watch her play to try and figure out what she needs to do.

M: I laid James on the couch and Gracie came over to hug and kiss him.

Just a quiet family day.

Goodnight all


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 39: Mothers Day

Today has been a lovely mothers day! My little family have spoiled me.
I got to sleep in a little this morning, when I woke up I nursed James and Gracie brought me a picture she had colored for me. Matthew brought me some roses he has picked and a lovely letter.
( I might add I got my gifts a few days ago, which included, a Jar of branston pickle, a chocolate orange and a toastie sandwich maker).
We took a lovely family walk. Matthew made everybody breakfast and we hung out for a while. The kids napped so Matt and I snuggled up and watched some T.V. Then when Gracie woke up we went and walked the dog around the park. Matthew cleaned the kitchen and changed diapers, did laundry, bathed the kids, sorted out dinner and was in general my hero.

Thank you for a lovely day family. I love getting to be Mummy :) All my love my darlings. I am so excited to spend forever with you all xxx

Today's positives:

1: Today was Gracie's last day in diapers "fingers crossed"

2: James has had a big growth spurt and outgrown lots of his clothes. About time!

3: Gracie finally called Matt Daddy instead of MAAATT.

4: When we walked down to the guard check she said "night night Dada" as we walked away.

5: James and I snuggled up and had a nap.

There is probably a million more things. I couldn't feel more blessed and happy.
Looking forward to having Matt off work for the next 2 days!

Goodnight all

- Soph

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 38: Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to my beautiful mother :) I can't believe she is turning 27! Time flies ;)

Today's positives:

1: I woke up this morning hearing Gracie play Hidee-boo with James. They were both having a grand ol' time.

2: Gracie has a purple dinosaur that sings the alphabet and she has been practising singing along with it.

3: We got to go on two lovely family walks with the dog today.

4: Gracie has been in a huggie kissey kinda mood.

5: James and Matt got to hang out and snuggle up for a while.

6: Both of the kiddos went to bed super easy tonight and where actually asleep by 7.

Tomorrow is Gracie's last day in diapers. We are going to try the three day potty training method. Very excited! I think it might be a messy three days but the best mothers day present ever if I can get at least one of my babies trained!

Good night all


Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 37: The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

Today I am grateful for my Mama who loves me and is there for me when I need her.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie has really gotten good at climbing up and down the stairs. Which has made my life so much easier.

2: This afternoon I had fun playing with Gracie and Matt. We showed Gracie how to do her shape sorter, then we all played with Gracie's box of eggs that she loves.

3: Matt and I got the kids bathed together before he went to work. I think they enjoyed having us both there.

4: Gracie did the actions for Two Little Dickybirds for her Grammy over skype.

5: Matt got to feed James his solid food today.

Tomorrow we have decided to do something extra fun. Maybe swimming or painting.
Excited to see what the day brings!

Goodnight all

- Soph

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 36: Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuz A Bear

The kids have been feeling much better since their doctors visit yesterday. It has been a very pleasent day.

Today's positives:

1: Gracie found a little bracelet in the bottom of my closet and wore it on her wrist almost all day. She is such a girly girl!

2: Bay and Gracie enjoyed watching a squirrel play on the deck for quite a long time this afternoon. They were both leaning on each other and watching.

3: We went for a walk through the woodie part of the park today.

4: Cousins A and G came over and played for a little while this afternoon. It was nice to hang out before they go away for a few months.

5: Gracie picked up all her toys with almost no help at bed time.

6: We finished off the day by walking up to the guard check to say goodnight to Daddy.

7: I forgot to post yesterday that James had his first taste of chocolate. Matthew decided to give him a quick suck of some cookies and creme... He enjoyed it very much and cried when he was all done.

Well goodnight all

- Sophie