Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 30: Matt's home!

So today was Matt's last day working for the pool butler. He is very glad not to be working two jobs any more and I must say I am very excited to have him home. The kids definitely enjoyed some Daddy time this afternoon!

Today's positives:

1: James has now taken to scooting all over the living room floor on his back. He can't sit up or crawl but he is definitely mobile!

2: He also pulled off his sock today. I always recognise that as milestone :)

3: Today's lunch was carrots and banana. I have pics of him enjoying these, and of course Gracie was not to be left out as per usual. Only.. Gracie seemed to believe the carrots where a cruel trick James and I had schemed to play on her. So disapproving of the taste she proceeded to scoop up a handful and throw them, somehow hitting everything in a 4 foot radius.. We now have a lovely orange decor in the living room as I am still finding bits to clean up.

4: Gracie, as she did not approve of James's lunch was provided with a more palatable snack of chocolaty chip teddy grahams. I found her putting them in her play tea set and pretending to drink them (I guess she enjoyed her tea party the other day). Also she put her baby doll in its high chair and pretended to feed them to her. I haven't seen her play like that with her dolls before.
The other day I did find Gracie hanging by her ankle from the dolls high chair, having tried to climb in her self and finding she was rather too big, managed to get stuck. I am not sure if she was more unamused by the fact she didn't fit or by the fact Mummy had to come and set her free...

5: After feeding her baby doll it's snack she put it in the dolls crib and rocked it. It was lovely to watch her playing. She is going to make a great mother some day. :)

6: I enjoyed watching the children and Matt hang out and play this afternoon. Especially when he had them both snuggled in eating banana and watching T.V.

I have some lovely pictures from today.

Goodnight all


1 comment:

  1. gorgeous pictures! I especially love James' face in the first one :)
