Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 26: Heaven

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon together as Matt got off work early today. It really was fun!

Today's positives:

S: I got out Gracie's small china tea set and we had a lovely tea party. She decided pretty quickly she did not like the taste of the dusty water coming out of the teapot and would pour the tea in to the cup, tip it on the floor then pretend to drink. We had teddy graham cookies which she delighted in eating and feeding me. I think we may have to do this with Daddy during his week off next week. (pics below)

M: When Gracie and I went to pick up dinner there was a picture of pizza, sandwiches, and pasta on the wall. I kept pointing at the pizza and saying "Pizza" trying to get Gracie to say it. After a while of doing this she finally pointed at the sandwich and said "Sandwich".

S: Today we went to the park and found a turtle hiding in the bushes. We picked it up and let Gracie look at it and touch it then put it back in to the water.

M: Today I got to treat Gracie to a bottle of juice, she absolutely loved it!

S: I enjoyed watching James laying on  the floor practising rolling over and every once in a while he would get very excited and wave his arms and legs in all different directions.

M: Today I took Gracie into the pool for the first time this year. When she saw me get her swimsuit out she got so excited she undressed herself (For the first time) so I could put it on her. She had a blast swimming.

S: James has taken to playing with a vibrating, light up toy. He enjoys looking at it and holding his tongue to it.

M:  I was blowing raspberries on James belly and he kept laughing his head off, we were both having fun!

Goodnight all

- Matt n Soph

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 25: Day 25

Nothing spectacular to report today :) All is happy and healthy! Matt is working tonight so I have filled in his part of the blog :)

Today's positives:

1: We went to a church a bit closer to home this morning. It had quite a large nursery with lots of babies Gracie's age and I think she enjoyed the company. This is really the first time she has hung out with a group of her piers.

2: Gracie got to try M&M's for the first time today. Messy but chocolaty goodness!

3: Gracie ran up to me and bear hugged me around the legs out of the blue this afternoon. I love it when she reminds me she loves me like that!

4: I enjoyed cuddling with my little James frequently today. Also holding him before bed time when he was fast asleep, just watching him breathing and smiling.

Matthews Blog:

1: I enjoyed watching Gracie wearing her Mommy's headband. She looked adorable.

2: I liked the outfits the kids wore to church this morning. Should have taken a picture!
( Gracie was in a pink and black daisy dress, with pink shawl, pink bow and little white shoes and socks.
James whore his khaki pants, brown and white striped long sleeve shirt and teddy bear waist coat.)

3: Gracie ran over and gave James his rattle when he started to cry whilst sitting in his bouncy seat.

4:Watching Gracie cuddle in to Sophie while they were laying on the couch.

Okay, that's all for today folks!

Goodnight all


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 24: Comming up with titles is harder than you think.

I have very much enjoyed today. We finally got to be together after three long days.
We didn't do anything special but it was lovely just to spend time as a family.

Today's positives:

1: This morning James nursed and fell asleep in the bed and I had to change Gracies  diaper. When  I came back, Him and Matt where fast asleep together. It was lovely :)

2: Gracie got a pink hat for Easter, which she refused to wear, but today she wore it whilst playing for a long time. Adorable! She also made Matt wear it while he fed her yoghurt.

3: While I was in the kitchen cooking I had a lovely time watching and listening to Matt and James play together.

4: Matthew put on one of his favorite childhood movies "Earnest goes to camp". Gracie thought it was hillarious. She seems to have her Daddy's taste in slapstick humor  :D

I know other things happend today but I seem to be having a bit of a mind blank. I guess that will do for tonight!

Matt's post is below! (aswell as pictures)

Goodnight all



I got to play with Gracie and James today. They both gave me lots of smiles and laughs and I really enjoyed watching Earnest with Gracie.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 23: Hooray for Friday!

I am so glad its Friday! I can't wait to see Matt :) He has been working 7am till 12am for the past 3 days and we haven't seen much of him. So roll on the weekend!

Today's positives:

1: When I went in the nursery this morning, Gracie was sitting in the rocking chair cuddling her baby doll and rocking back and forth. :)

2: I got out Gracie's big bouncy ball, sat James on it and bounced him. He seemed to have a good time.

3: Matt was given some big wooden beads for Gracie, so this afternoon she spent a long time stringing them on to shoe laces.

4: Matt was home early enough to spend half an hour laying on the bed with me and James. It was relaxing.

5: Gracie made me laugh so hard today as found her a couple of times sitting on the couch playing on her pretend laptop, holding her toy cellphone to her ear chatting away... Wonder where she got that from *blush*

6: Gracie discovered she could put her face under water at bath time tonight. I think she is secretly a mermaid!

Wishing everyone a fun and happy weekend! Posting some pictures below :)

Goodnight All


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 22: Dogs for sale...

Today was a full and busy day. We did lots of fun things. We also found out Daddy is going to have 5 days off in a row and have decided to have our own little staycation. We are thinking a beach day and picnic in the park. Any other suggestions?

Today's positives:

1: This morning  I gathered up a small bucket full of things to show James. This included a light up stick, some rattles, a fuzzy dog and a few other bits and pieces. We had a lovely time looking at everything. James laughed so much when I tickled him with the fuzzy dog. I even managed to get a picture (see below)

2: A couple of weeks ago I started poking Gracie's nose and saying "beep beep" and it made her giggle. Today she climbed up in my lap and did it to me a few times. I think it's become our new thing :)

3: Today we had fun doing some coloring. I think I may have colored more than Gracie did *blush*. She did have a crafty nibble of the green crayon.. Silly girly!

4: After coloring I laid James out on the sheet and him and Gracie had fun playing with each other. They had each other laughing their heads off!

5: James had his first yogurt today. Him and Gracie shared it and it was adorable! Strawberry banana flavor. :)

6: I am not sure this is really a positive but it cracked me up so I have to include it... When I was in the bathroom cleaning up from bath time, Gracie came trotting in with her purse swinging from her arm. When I was finished I told her it was time to leave the bathroom. Gracie, not being too amused by this, then proceeded to start bashing me with her handbag. I know its a bit naughty but it took everything I had not to laugh when I realized what she was doing. I can already see what kind of old lady she is going to be ;)

7: This afternoon both of my babies snuggled up with me and we watched the velvatine rabbit. It was lovely afternoon.

It just occurred to me, I had envisioned my children having sleepovers with their friends but never my dog... I only hope I can get them to behave this weekend as well as my children do!

Goodnight everyone!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 21: Half a week down! Almost the weekend.

Well today was busy. We hung out with Cousins A and G this morning and had fun. Ran errands this afternoon. Then we had yummy roast veggies for dinner, followed by a nice evening stroll with the dog.
Oh and I just want to put out there that, my hands feel super soft from the baby wipes made with baby oil. Thank you Auntie Shay you where totally right!

Today's positives:

1: Cousin A and James had a lovely cuddle this morning (pic below)

2: James and I had a lovely long cuddle this evening after Gracie went to bed, which is unusual because he normally goes to bed first.

3: Gracie climbed up in my lap with her baby doll and snuggled the doll and cuddled in to me. It was kinda special.

4: It was lovely to see all the kids lined up on the sofa this morning enjoying their breakfast and watching "Land before time"... A kids movie I liked when I was their age!

5: When I bathed James tonight, I laid him on his diaper changing mat while I went to go tip out the bath water. When I came back Gracie was drying him off with his towel and mothering him, and she bent down and gave him a big kiss.

I just love how much my babies love each other. I don't think anything could make me happier as mother.

Also, to anyone who reads this, if you could keep my sister in law Elizabeth in your prayers. She is due anytime in the next few weeks and is planning a home birth. Please pray for a quick and easy delivery and for strength. It is much appreciated :)

Goodnight all


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 20: Cloth diapers

Okay so I think we are chicken pox free... Gracie had a bizarre rash but thankfully it's now almost cleared up. Day one of cloth diapering has gone pretty good. No big disasters! Oh and we got to go to the park for the first time in a week!

Today's positives:

S: James ate an animal cracker today. He was crying for Gracie's snack so I had intended only for him to suck on it for a moment but by the time I pulled it back out it had turned to mush and been swallowed. He did his best to get more but have decided to postpone the solid solids lol.

M: Gracie came running out of the bathroom with some toilet paper blowing her nose and then proceeded to run over and blow my nose. It was cute :)

S: Gracie climbed up in my lap and gave me a tight hug around my neck. Kinda made my day :)

M: James and I sat and watched the river behind our house flowing for a long time this afternoon.

S: I enjoyed walking around the pond this evening. We blew bubbles as we walked.

M: Gracie had a fun time at the park chasing her cousins and squirrels.

Well today was a nice day. I hope you all had a great Tuesday!


-Matt n Soph

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 19: Monday 23rd

Matt got home from work early today so we all took a nap together. Gracie has possible chicken pox? Then we took the dog for a nice long walk. All in all pretty relaxed.

Today's positives:

S: When I asked Gracie to put her pj's in the laundry hamper in her bedroom, she did!

M: Gracie tried to buckle her baby doll in to James' swing.

S: Grace kept carefully wrapping her baby doll in her blanket, putting it in her doll stroller and pushing it around.

M: I had a fun time making James laugh by blowing raspberry's on his belly.

S: James was playing with their alphabet dinosaur and he kept giving it kisses (pic below)

Pretty quiet day today. We got our cloth diapers so we will be starting to use those tomorrow, YAY!!
Oh and we have our family pictures up on facebook, taken by our very tallented cousin S :)

Well goodnight all

- Matt n Soph

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 18: Snuggly family day.

Today we stayed quiet and snuggled up together as a family. We watched some old movies and just enjoyed each others company. I think sometimes you just need that.

Matthew was around today but we didn't have time to get his blog post together. He may post his own or add something to the end of this one. Feel free to check back tomorrow.

Today's positives:

1: Matt and Gracie walked the dog together this morning before James and I woke up.

2: This morning we put on Larry boy and the fib from outta space (one of Daddy's favorite Veggie Tales). James sat in his bouncy seat and watched the whole movie. He didn't take his eyes away once!

3: For lunch we had cheese and crackers with tomatoes. Gracie kept taking a bite of each tomato, looking disgusted then putting it back... She went through about 5 tomato's before we finally finished laughing long enough to stop her. (They were the small cherry kind)

4: This evening I heard a strange flopping noise in the hall, when I went to look Gracie was hobbling along like Egor trying to walk in her Daddy's flip flop. (pic below)

5: Tonight we were eating pizza and James was eyeballing and reaching for it. He would stop nursing and go for it every time I went to take a bite.

6: While I was bathing James he spit up.I turned around to grab something to clean him with but when I looked back, Gracie had already grabbed a spit rag off the chair and was gently mopping his face. It was probably one of the most proud moments I have had as her mother. She is such a gentle and loving big sister.

I hope you all had a lovely Sunday!



Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 17: Oreo Truffle night

Today was a fun day. We had family pictures taken at the park this morning bright and early. We are so excited and thankful to the lovely lady who came and took the pictures! Then we had a nice afternoon playing as a family until Daddy had to go to work. Then I got to make Oreo Truffles... A total mess to make but tasty! (if you want the recipe google Oreo Truffles)

Today's positives:

1. When we had pictures taken this morning Gracie managed to blow bubbles for the first time!

2. We had to go grocery shopping this afternoon and both the kids behaved perfectly around the store. Nobody had a meltdown or cried!

3. We got to play and hang out together for a long time before Matt went to work.

4. Gracie ate all of her dinner and took a bath and stayed relaxed the whole time.

5. Gracie helped me bathe her brother by washing him with the wash cloth.

6.  Both babies went to bed no fuss and strait to sleep at bedtime.

A very peaceful family day!

Matts post is below

Goodnight all



Today we had a family photo shoot. It was adorable watching Gracie run around at the park and "pose" for pictures. James did really well too and I can't wait to see the pictures of our beautiful babies.

Later in the afternoon before I had to go to work James was laying on his play mat and Gracie came over and stood looking at him and they were just grinning at each other.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 16: Building day!

Today's positives:

1: Playing with Gracie's duplo blocks.

2: When we were finished, Gracie helped pick them up and put them away.

3: James has learnt to blow raspberry's.

4: I got to take a nice nap with James all cuddled up.

5: This may not be considered a positive... but I kinda found it funny to watch Gracie enjoy smashing up the crackers I gave her for lunch lol. She seemed to enjoy the crunch sound and the big mess she made!

6: Second day of homemade wipes seems to have gone very well!

7: Gracie is getting very good with only needing to be asked to do something once.

That's all for today folks :)



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 15: Happiness is a sleeping baby

Today was a pretty normal day. Kinda quiet and sleepy. We got to enjoy a nice thunderstorm with lots of heavy rain. Quite relaxing! Today we also made our first batch of homemade wipes.

I have had a lot of people asking HOW DO YOU MAKE WIPES, so for all those interested...
Handful of wash clothes, 1 cup warm water, 2tsps baby oil, 1tsp of baby body wash.

Next week we also plan on starting cloth diapers again. YAY!

Today's positives:

S: Gracie climbed up on the toilet (lid down), I had just checked her diaper and was starting to make the wipes. I had to run to my room to grab something and when I came back there she was sitting. She was making her "I'm going to the bathroom face" and when I checked her she needed to be changed again. I am hoping this is a sign of being ready to potty train as she has shown keen interest in bathroom activity recently.

M: Tonight after I bathed Gracie, instead of me putting on her lotion, she did it herself. Instead of putting it in her mouth she actually rubbed it all over her tummy!

S: I enjoyed rocking in the rocking chair with James, watching the rain while Gracie played.

M: After I got home from work I got to cuddle James for a long time, who was full of smiles. :)

S: Gracie ran up and gave her brother a big kiss on the lips, at which he gave a big smile.

Also today, Matthew decided he would like to try us being vegetarian for a while. He wants to live a long and healthy life and I want the same for the kids. I am very excited as I used to live that lifestyle before we met. I never wanted to push him (as it's just not for everyone) but it was always hard to do for just me.
He does plan on eating the occasional fish and hunting at some point.

Like I said, a very quiet normal day.

Good night

-Matt and Soph

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 14: Is today wednesday?

Today was a fun day, Cousins A and G came to hang out for the day. Gracie loves when they come to play!
Matt also officially quit his job and will be spending more time at home with us. Nervous YAY!

Today's positives:

S: Watching Gracie play house in her tent with her cousins.

M: Tonight I got to share blueberry little bites with Gracie. She would give me a bite of hers and I would give her a bite of mine in return.

S: I saw James rubbing his eyes... For me that's one of the big growing up milestones. I think because it requires so much coordination.

M: When I put James to bed and kissed him, he gave me the biggest grin.

S: Gracie now waves and says "bye" when people leave.

We had a fun day today. Below is a picture of James in his new pj's from his great Grandma! Plenty of growing room :)

Ps: Last nights post had included a picture of Gracie in a laundry basket. I had meant to mention that when ever I ask her to help me with the laundry, she proceeds to climb in the basket like that. I think its kinda cute :)

Goodnight all

- Matt n Soph

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 13: D-day

Okay, forgive today's post for being short... I am determined not to let this blog fail but Matt quit his job tonight and its kinda crazy!

Today's positives:

1: I guess whenever Gracie is doing something she isn't supposed to I say "No ma'am" because when I was picking up her toys this afternoon she followed me around saying "No ma'am".

2: We finally found a pediatrician to take the babies too! So Gracie and James can start there vaccines and wellness checks :)

3: Gracie actually ate her meals today! It has been a bit of a struggle the past couple of days...

4: James wanted to be held a lot today so I got to put him in my moby to do house work! It was awesome to have him with me. (pic below)

Okay... Sorry if this post is not the best... I am a little distracted!



Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 12: Happy Monday :)

I always look forward to Mondays, we are all back together again. I love our routine!

Today's positives:

S: Today I painted Gracie's toenails for the first time. Sparkly pink. Lovely!!

M: I enjoyed watching the kids relax as we walked around the lake.

S: We blew lots of bubbles today. Gracie LOVES them!

M: I put James in his carrier in to the basket of the shopping cart. Gracie (sitting in the child seat) turned around to try and rock him.

S: Today Gracie ate her chocolate bunnies from Easter. I got a nice big chocolaty grin, my favorite kind! :)

We hope everyone had a very happy Monday and has a wonderful week.

Goodnight everyone

- Matt n Soph

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 11: xXx

Couldn't think of a title for today's blog. It's been a long day today. Not especially busy... but definitely long.

Today's positives:

1. Holding both of my babies and singing to them. For Gracie I always sing "Better Man" by James Morrison and for James "Baby, now that I've found you" Alison Krauss version. It has just kind of become their songs.

2. Cuddles with them both.

3. Playing ball with Gracie.

4. James being so easy! He is so content now, he even fell asleep on his play mat when it got to nap time...

Today I just feel so very greatful for them both. I can't believe that I get to be their mother. I don't think I will ever deserve such a blessing and I am so thankful for this opportunity. I think I am totally in love :)

I would also like to add a little thank you to my Grandma. She sent the children some really lovely clothes. Also some little bedtime bears (that I could not get James to let go of all morning (pic below)). I have put a picture of Gracie and me in our matching aprons she made for us! Lovely stuff, think we may have to do some baking now!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 10: Happy Earth Day!

Today we made soup, cleaned the van, hung out with Daddy in the morning, I got to drive all 5 Eriks babies to the Earth day festival and then we came home and did our evening routine. Earth day is fun!

(Matt is currently very busy training a new employee at his job so won't be able to participate in blogging tonight)

Today's positives:

1. Waking up as a family and hanging out.

2. Watching James practise rolling over.

3. Hearing Gracie say many new words every day. When I asked her what she was doing, she replied "What mama"

4. Taking them to the Earth day festival. Seeing the Native American dancing in full costumes. Gracie got her picture with one of the guys dressed up.

5. Taking Gracie to the petting zoo at the festival. She chased a rabbit and a duck, crawled under a chair with a pig and waved/pointed at/petted some chicks. The sheep did make her jump very time it bleated.

6. I bathed them both in the big bath tub by myself. They had fun splashing and playing together.

7. Reading them both a bed time storey.

8. Kissing them goodnight and tucking them... I could watch them sleeping for hours.

Today was a very fun day. Thank you Lord :)

Good night everyone


Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 9: Today was a busy day!

Today was awesome. I got up at 6am and had a whole hour to myself. Got my house cleaned and all ready for when the babies got up. Apart from a dog with an upset tummy. I think we had a pretty productive day.
Thanks to Aunt Shay for all her help!!

(PS: Matt works 7am till midnight on Fridays so it's just me posting)

Today's positives:

1: This morning Gracie and I got to do painting. She had a brilliant time (as did I), even if the first thing she did was eat the paint... Thank you to Matt's client who gave her the "Tangled" coloring book that inspired the idea in the first place. Also thank you to Grammy for skyping with us and sharing that time!

2: I got to take the kids on a long walk with the dog. We had a nice time enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

3: Gracie ate all of her dinner tonight! Pasta followed by chocolate cake. She did not drop a single bite on the floor but she did turn her self bright orange with a chocolate beard. I think I need her big cousins to come over and eat with her more often. I guess she just needed to see how its done!

4: Aunt Shay has a seat for babies to go in the big bath tub, so tonight my babies took their first bath together. I loved every minute of it. I think the kids had a good time as well. This is going to make bath time SO much easier for me on the weekends while Matt is working. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The trick is getting both of them out, dried, diapered, lotioned, dressed, and hair brushed at the same time. Crazy!

5: Cousin G and aunt Shay took turns giving James his bottle. The first people besides Mommy, Daddy and Paw Paw to do so. (pics to follow)

Well as you can see today was busy but fun. Tomorrow is the Native American festival. Very excited!

Good Night all


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 8: Smoothie Night

Today was busy! We had a trip to the recruiters, grocery shopping, dog walking and all the usual fun of bath and bed time :)

Today's positives:

S: Today I noticed a teeny tiny white spot on James's gum marking the entrance of his first tooth!

M: Tonight at bedtime, after I brushed Gracie's teeth, I gave her a kiss and said "I love you" and she said "Love you" back!

S: James rolled from back to front today, almost twice!

M: James isn't too happy with cutting his tooth, but it was nice to watch him calm down when I gave him his bottle and he went peacefully to sleep.

S: Today we let Gracie play for a little while on the playground after we walked the dog. She had so much fun she didn't want to leave. She immediately ran for the swings.

Today we started book 3/6 in the Sophie series "Sophie Hit's Six". We are getting through these books so fast. Any sugestions on what to read next?

Goodnight All

-Matt n Soph

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 7: Week one complete, 51 to go.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened today. Pretty much calm and normal. :)

Today's Positives:

S: Gracie had a new word today "Monkey"

M: I enjoyed playing with a very excited Gracie when I got home from work. She was full of smiles and laughs.

S: I went in the closet to find Gracie playing with Easter baskets. I asked her three times to put them back. When she continued to ignore me I went to remove her from the closet to which she replied  "Daddy say yes". Her first sentence! It was hard not to get excited and remind her Daddy was not there to say yes... I think we may have to keep our eyes on this one!

M: I took a turn bathing James tonight, it was nice to see how much he enjoys his bath. It was quite relaxing.

S: I cleaned up the toys in the living room this evening, to get ready for dinner time. Gracie sat in the arm chair and gave her baby doll a bottle. What an adorable little mother she makes :)

M: Gracie has been giving goodnight kisses and tonight I told her to give James one. When I held her up to him she actually did give him a gentle little kiss.

 Today we watched Lyle the kindly viking. One of my favorite Veggietales! Bible storeys told by vegetables. Does it get any better?

Goodnight all

-Matt n Soph

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 6: Shepards Pie Night

Today was a rather productive day. We got the house cleaned, the laundry done, Shepard's pie made and walked the dog! I wish every day could be like this.

Today's positives:

S: James and I got some one on one time to do kangaroo care. For those of you who do not know what that is, Kangaroo care is time spent skin to skin with your baby. It is peaceful and relaxing. Quite rare to find a quiet moment to do with Gracie running around. I recommend this to anyone with a new or little baby.

M: On the way to the park we stopped and got a slushy, Gracie had a cherry one for the first time. She got her self quite a nice sugar high and talked non-stop, then proceeded to run laps around the house when we got home. Perhaps it was not the best thing to give a one year old but it was quite cute to watch.

S: This morning I made Gracie her first fruit smoothie. We put Banana's, Strawberry's, a cup of milk and some french vanilla ice cream in it. She loved it! I am excited to find a new way to sneak in all the milk she needs and lots of fruit (although fruit is not hard to get her to eat).

M: I enjoyed feeding James his bottle tonight. It's always nice to have that bonding time.

S: I taught Gracie to say "Uh Oh" when ever she does something by accident. It was funny to hear echo's of "Uh Oh" coming out of the nursery this afternoon.

We also started tummy time with James this afternoon. Pics to follow :)

Night all

-Matt and Soph

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 5: Hooray for Monday

Monday is finally here. Back to our lovely family routine again. Glad to have the team back together!

Today's positives were:

S: When I went in to get Gracie this morning she was standing at the end of her crib, looking in to James's crib waving and shouting "Hi Jay, Hi Jay".

M: When I got home from work Gracie was still napping, ( and Mommy had nodded off) So me and James got to cook dinner together. Sloppy Joe's!

S: James was sitting on my lap and Gracie was standing beside the chair and James started to reach out for her... The first time he has ever reached for anyone.

M: Gracie and James sat still through story time tonight and actually listened.

S: James has learnt to grab his toes and I saw  him do it for the first time today.

S: I also laid James in the play tent we got Gracie for Easter. Gracie ran in and out playing and hanging out with her brother.

We also started the next book in the Sophie series tonight "Sophie's Tom". Very exciting :)

Good Night All

-Matt n Soph