Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 46: May 20th

Today has been the most normal quiet day possible. I really have pretty much nothing to report... It's only two days until Matt goes to take the ASVAB for the Navy. It's all starting to come together now!

Today's positives:

1: Gracie's fever has gone now and she seems to be pretty much back to normal.

2: I forgot to mention yesterday that James tried squash for the first time! He liked it more than any of the other veggies he has tried.

3: Gracie found a doll that belonged to my mother as a child and has fallen in love with it. She even carried it to go get the mail and see Daddy.

4: Jame has started to babble. It really sounds like he is trying to talk.

5: Gracie tried edamamea (spelling?) today and loved it. A new healthy snack!

6: Gracie's feet are now size 6, this girl has giant feet. It's awesome though because she now fits a bunch of shoes we were given by her big cousin K :)

7: James, Daddy and I all laid on the bed together for a long time, chatting this morning.

I guess there was more to say that I thought :) I love doing this blog because it always surprises me to realize just how many things there are to be excited about.

Goodnight all

- Soph

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