Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 53: Hangin out with Grandpa

My mum had to work for most of today so the kids and I got to hang out with Grandpa :)

I am very grateful for his help this morning as I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and he very kindly watched Gracie for me so I could get an extra couple of hours.

Today's positives:

1: Mum made eggie bread for Gracie this morning, now I have a new way to get her to eat eggs!

2: James did a lot more sitting up today.

3: Gracie, James and I all got to take a big nap in the spare room together this afternoon.

4: Rob managed to coax Gracie in to eating more of her dinner this evening. This is a very impressive feat.

5: Gracie has been excellent with the cats. She hasn't chased or even really tried to touch them. Every once in a while she sticks out a finger but for the most part she has been a very patient observer.

6: She has also been very co operative and obedient when it comes to not going in to certain rooms alone or touching things. I am very proud of her :)

7: Rob got Gracie an apple slush from sonic and she loved it. She in fact carried it around all afternoon and enjoyed it very much.

Tomorrow we are hoping the storms hold off long enough to go for a picnic or a swim!

Goodnight all

- Soph

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