Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 79: Go Dog Go

Today has been a fabby day! The first one in a while where Matt hasn't needed to sleep for most of it :)

Today's positives:

1: James is getting so big! He has decided he likes to try and hang upside down out of his swing.. I thought it was an accident but then he kept doing it over and over and smiling... I think its pretty safe to say, R.I.P swing. You have been a good friend lol.

2: When we walked in to the nursery this morning, Gracie had taken all the blankets out of the cribs and piled them high on the rocking chair, climbed on top of them all and was reading books. Super cute!

3: We have found an advantage in having to read Gracie Brown bear Brown bear twenty times a day! Today she was flipping through the book trying to say the names of the animals. She now has cat down!

4: James had a chocolatey nibble of a kit kat bar... He was not very amused when Mummy took it away...

5: Gracie now says "eat, eat" and runs around with her high chair tray when she is hungry.

6: Our new book of choice seems to be "Go dog go"... Matt and I HATE this book but our little princess seems to love it. It was one of her Daddy's favorites as a child and he has fond memories of his Grandma reading it to him :)

In other news, we have some sad but mostly happy news to share.

A couple of weeks ago we bumped in to a lady on one of our daily walks. Sadly her doggie has been quite sick for some time and seems she may be passing on quite soon. We came to find out that this lady has kept a black lab in her home for the past 30 years. Matt and I had been discussing the fact we had some concerns for the best interests of Bay while he was away at boot camp so after much consideration we felt really led to pursue the re-adoption of our favorite little k-nine pal (not an easy decision as we really do love her). Well it turns out that this lady is interested in taking Bay and when we went to visit her home yesterday Bay was so happy to be there I had to convince her to leave with me! It looks like she may have at last found her forever home. I can't help but feel they will be a perfect fit for each other and God's hand was in it all.

I love seeing God work out all the little details when you follow his plan.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

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