Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 73: Fathers day

Dear Gracie and James,

I keep this blog for you both because I want you to know how much Daddy and I have always loved you.
We share it with family and friends but this whole thing is really just for you.

Today is fathers day. Gracie your sitting beside me on the sofa, drinking your milk and James your across the room sleeping in your swing. I know this is normally about your funny little things and achievements but today is different. Today I want to tell you somethings you should know and always remember about your Daddy.

In the past two years he has sacrificed a lot for us. He moved away from a city he has always loved, put his dreams to one side and worked harder than you could ever imagine. Just to provide a good and full life for us.
He has been at every doctors appointment, pre and post natal, that he could be, held your hands when you where sad or scared, changed diapers, cleaned up puke, made late night runs for things, held you guys all hours of the day and night, sung to you, played hard and so so so many other things. Too many to list.
And now moving forward, he is going in to the U.S Navy, so he can go to college and get a good job so you guys will never need for anything, ever...

When he looks at you, I see a man in love. He lights up at the sound of your voices. He talks always about the future and how proud he is of you both.

Gracie, Daddy has always told me, one of the greatest moments in his life is when you where first born. They took you across the room to check you over and you grabbed on to Daddy's fingers and wouldn't let go for anything. When ever you cried as a baby, it was Daddy you always wanted. You loved him to sing and dance with you. Every time you see him you smile the biggest smile. Your such a Daddy's girl.

James, when you were born Daddy caught you. He gave you your first bottle and your first solid food. He was the first person you reached out to, to be held and you look at him in a way that I have never seen you look at anyone else. It's easy to see just how much you love him.

I am sure where ever you are now and whatever your doing, it's easy to see what a wonderful guy your Daddy is. Never forget where we have come from and even on the days you may not be getting a long remember just how much he loves you.

Happy Fathers Day Matthew. I love, respect and cherish you. I am blessed to be your wife and the mother of your children.

- Sophie

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