Today's positives:
1: This morning we packed up a breakfast picnic and went to the beach. We had a lovely time sitting by the ocean, eating together as a family. (pics below)
2: James enjoyed gumming on a bagel.
3: Matt taught Gracie the words to Big Ol Jet Airliner and they had a great time singing together. She even had the tune down. (apparently she started an encore in the bathtub this evening)
4: Then we went for a walk through the beautiful white sands and clear water. Gracie did a happy little victory dance which consisted of throwing her arms in the air, running in circles happily shouting "EGGS"
5: Then we went to the familyChristian book store and picked up a book to start a bible study with Gracie.
6: We took a nice long evening stroll through the local neighbourhood with our dog Bay.
7: We started the bible study. Gracie enjoyed hearing the stories and looking at the pictures.
8: Gracie did wonderful sleeping in her bed for the first time last night. She didn't get up until this morning.
Then when she took a nap, she slept and once ready to get up stood at the door knocking to be let out.
It's just been an all round nice day. Thank you Lord :)
Goodnight all
- Soph
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