Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 64: Infested!

Okay, I am going to admit that I'm not feeling quite as perky as normal today. I am thankful that every unfavorable situation currently going on in our lives has a solution though.
We discovered a bit of an infestation with fleas and ticks this morning. Thanks to the wonderful lady at Lowes we now have an all natural solution. We cover our carpet in this powder and leave it for a couple of days then vacuum it all up. It is safe for the kids to be around and walk on and poses no threat to our dog. Oh and as an added bonus also works on roaches, silverfish and a variety of other unwanted house pests.

James is still under the weather today but pleased to say he is still chipper and playful.

Oh and progress is on the horizon with our oven. We have had promise of it being fixed by midweek. I can't wait!!

I am  grateful for hardworking Matthew who has been patient with me despite loosing my head a couple of times. He has also been feeling quite unwell and still pushing on through. Even helping me with James being up a lot in the night. Starting to feel the jitter of his upcoming departure. I don't know when boot camp is going to happen but I do know that I can't wait for it to have been and passed!

Today's positives:

1: I can say I feel very blessed to have two patient babies who have not made today difficult despite the fact they are not at their best.
2: I know this has nothing to do with my kids but, I am unbelievably grateful that my dog ate her flippin expensive flea meds and didn't just spit it out like I was afraid she would!

3: Gracie sat in her high chair and ate her dinner nicely no fuss!

4: James finally went in to a nice deep restful sleep. He needs it after not sleeping much last night and only taking brief naps today.

5: I am so grateful to have a toddler who loves veggies. Squash, carrots, peas, broccoli and so on!

6: Gracie threw her arms around James and gave him the biggest hug. :)

I am always surprised by how many good things I can remember when I stop and think!

Thank you Lord!

- Goodnight all


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