Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 22: Dogs for sale...

Today was a full and busy day. We did lots of fun things. We also found out Daddy is going to have 5 days off in a row and have decided to have our own little staycation. We are thinking a beach day and picnic in the park. Any other suggestions?

Today's positives:

1: This morning  I gathered up a small bucket full of things to show James. This included a light up stick, some rattles, a fuzzy dog and a few other bits and pieces. We had a lovely time looking at everything. James laughed so much when I tickled him with the fuzzy dog. I even managed to get a picture (see below)

2: A couple of weeks ago I started poking Gracie's nose and saying "beep beep" and it made her giggle. Today she climbed up in my lap and did it to me a few times. I think it's become our new thing :)

3: Today we had fun doing some coloring. I think I may have colored more than Gracie did *blush*. She did have a crafty nibble of the green crayon.. Silly girly!

4: After coloring I laid James out on the sheet and him and Gracie had fun playing with each other. They had each other laughing their heads off!

5: James had his first yogurt today. Him and Gracie shared it and it was adorable! Strawberry banana flavor. :)

6: I am not sure this is really a positive but it cracked me up so I have to include it... When I was in the bathroom cleaning up from bath time, Gracie came trotting in with her purse swinging from her arm. When I was finished I told her it was time to leave the bathroom. Gracie, not being too amused by this, then proceeded to start bashing me with her handbag. I know its a bit naughty but it took everything I had not to laugh when I realized what she was doing. I can already see what kind of old lady she is going to be ;)

7: This afternoon both of my babies snuggled up with me and we watched the velvatine rabbit. It was lovely afternoon.

It just occurred to me, I had envisioned my children having sleepovers with their friends but never my dog... I only hope I can get them to behave this weekend as well as my children do!

Goodnight everyone!


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