Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 14: Is today wednesday?

Today was a fun day, Cousins A and G came to hang out for the day. Gracie loves when they come to play!
Matt also officially quit his job and will be spending more time at home with us. Nervous YAY!

Today's positives:

S: Watching Gracie play house in her tent with her cousins.

M: Tonight I got to share blueberry little bites with Gracie. She would give me a bite of hers and I would give her a bite of mine in return.

S: I saw James rubbing his eyes... For me that's one of the big growing up milestones. I think because it requires so much coordination.

M: When I put James to bed and kissed him, he gave me the biggest grin.

S: Gracie now waves and says "bye" when people leave.

We had a fun day today. Below is a picture of James in his new pj's from his great Grandma! Plenty of growing room :)

Ps: Last nights post had included a picture of Gracie in a laundry basket. I had meant to mention that when ever I ask her to help me with the laundry, she proceeds to climb in the basket like that. I think its kinda cute :)

Goodnight all

- Matt n Soph


  1. Proper English boy pajamas, I love them!

  2. I LOVE the PJs!!!!! You know, one of the things I learned in college was the reason toddlers share food. It is how they show they love you. Getting a full tummy feels good and they want you to feel good too. She knows you have a tummy even though she can't see it and you will feel good when you eat. :) That is a very complex concept for a person who has only been alive for a year to figure out. She is very smart.
