Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 2: Headless Chicken

Okay, Matt works 7 am to midnight on Fridays so it will be just me posting tonight!
Today was a pretty crazy day. We cleaned and napped, went to the bank, did our grocery shopping, walked the dog, got pictures printed at walgreens and hung out with my nephews!

Positive things for today:

1: Gracie covered up her little brother with a blanket when he fell asleep (with out being asked).

2: We went for a walk through the park with Aunt, Uncle and Cousins.  Where we saw a mama duck with her babies, a few turtles and a crane.

3: We came home and played with Cousins A and G and they all watched Megamind (a new favorite in this house).

4: Gracie showered me in goodnight kisses. The first time she has done that in about 3 months!

5:  About two weeks ago I started pumping once a day, so Matt can feed James his bedtime meal. So seeing as Matt is working tonight and I didn't want to stray too far from our routine, I got to feed James a bottle for the first time. It was strange and nice all at once. It also brought back a lot of memories from when Gracie was his size.

All in all, a very busy day! I am thankful for my lovely family.

Good night all

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile. So wonderful you are seeing the positive in a rough day.
