Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 125: Roasted Veggies

Teething continues... Poor James. Need I say more?

Today's positive:

1: James and Daddy went to Walmart for me this afternoon, Gracie and I got to stay home and play. We stacked up her blocks which she enjoyed knocking over. She also showed me her favorite little dinosaur toy. A gift from Aunti Sami. She loves to make it sing the alphabet and she has learned to sing parts of it as well. I think her favorite part is "LMNOP".

2: My apologies in advance if this is a little TMI but remember this blog is for my children and this was too funny to leave out. I had just taken Gracie off of the toilet and had to quickly go myself. When I was finished Gracie greeted me with a big smile, round of applause and "YAY". Just like I do for her when she is done.

3: I made roasted veggies for dinner. James loved them, he ate all of his, some of mine and some of his sisters!

4: I have a giant stuffed lion from my childhood that I have given to my children. For those of my family who might remember, Barney :). It felt very special this evening to be sitting against something that was so special to me as a child snuggled up to my babies reading them their bedtime story.

5: It was nice to walk Daddy to work this evening. Glad the rain let up long enough to do so!

6: I stood James up and put his hands on the sofa and he managed to stand without being held for quite a while.

There have been quite a few lovely things today!

Goodnight all

- Sophie

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