Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 164: September 16th

Tomorrow Matthew goes to Jacksonville for his physical and interview. Seems like the Navy is getting closer and closer but still a whole lot of hurry up and wait!

Today's positives:

1: Gracie and James both had a good time in thier Sunday classes. Gracie cried because she wasn't ready to leave!

2: When they woke up the kids enjoyed some yummy stir-fry!

3: Gracie had fun playing with her tea set.

4: James has been practising standing with out holding on. He can do it for a few seconds now!

5: We went on two lovely walks. Gracie thought it was a splendid treat to be able to go say goodnight to Daddy in her pj's!

6: Both the kids enjoyed talking to Grammy on the phone. James had a whole lot to say!

7: Gracie had fun playing catch for ages this afternoon!

Well that's it for today.

Goodnight all

- Sophie

1 comment:

  1. Sophie, I love how you and Matt are able to see the blessings in the little, every day moments. We all need to be open to God's tenderness!
