Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 152: Van Doctor Needed

Today's positives:

1: Me and the kids took a lovely morning nap.

2: Gracie was super well behaved around both grocery stores!

3: James and Gracie loved riding in the Police Car Cart again. Gracie was turning the wheel and acting like she was really driving. She turned to my Mum and said "Mine". James was a bit put out that Gracie made him take a back seat while driving ;)

4: Gracie ate so much food today its crazy. She must be having a growth spurt! She finished off almost a full tube of baby snacks. She got out of bed, gave my Mum her pacifier and set about happily munching. We didn't know what she was doing until she proudly brought me the empty container!

5: My mum drew around their hands today and got cute little prints.

6: Gracie enjoyed making paper dolls. Mostly sticking stickers on them.

7: James loves to dance as my Mum hum or sings silly little tunes.

8: We had a lovely time skyping with Great Grandma today. Gracie showed her how she can make 3 oreo's disappear in less than 10 minutes.

That's all I can think of for today!

Goodnight all

- Sophie


  1. Sweet! When my 2 30something girls were each in kindergarten, the teacher laid them on butcher paper and did a body trace. I still have those!!
