Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 90: Happy 4th July

Today has been so much fun!
Today our blog is 3 months old. Gracie turned 19 months old annnnd it's 4th of July!!
We have been as patriotic as we can be (even if I am a bit of a traitor teehee), and we got to spend time with family. Oh and Uncle Jeff came home from training. He gets to stay for a few weeks before he goes over sea's. It was so nice to see everyone together again :)
Possibly our last Holiday in Florida if the Navy gets going. Fingers crossed for Halloween.

Today's positives:

1: James had a munch on one of Gracie's french frys at lunch time and a nilla wafer.

2: We all went to the playground (even Bay) for a nice afternoon walk. James LOVED the swing and Gracie enjoyed running and climbing.

3: We had a lovely time over at Nana's house! We got to see lots of our favorite people.
Gracie managed to brake a few things but on the whole it was very pleasant evening. Gracie especially loved the hot dogs and cheese cake.

4: Gracie loved to chase Cousin G all over the house. I think he is her favorite person.

5: James got to eat some yummy mixed berry's and was lucky enough to be fed by Stacey and Aunt Carrie :)

6: I was kinda worried the babies would be scared of the fire works, especially as it was 3 hours past bedtime but they loved it! Nobody cried, even Cousin L who is the littlest of all. James put his feet up and watched with wide eyes. Gracie was quiet and took everything in. Not bad for their first time.
It was a nice walk to town square and then back to Nana's house.

I know a lot more happened today but these are the best bits! We have had such a nice day all round.
Thank you everyone who was part of it. We love you all xx

Daddy we missed you, but thank you for working hard for us. x

Goodnight everyone

- Sophie


  1. We enjoyed the day with you and your little ones also! (Birdbrain is Carrie)
