Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 88: shoop shoop

Today has been SUPER fun... Apart from ticks being pesky and on the dog, argh!

Today's positives:

1: We got to go to our friends adoption ceremony. The kids were on their best behavior and it was beautiful to watch.

2:  Gracie has worn the same panties all day. Not a single accident!

3: James is officially a "sitter". He has been sat playing almost all day!

4: This is not really a positive but kinda funny... Sibling rivalry has now officially started. We had Gracie and James in the double shopping cart. James was leaning forward in his seat trying to pull his sisters hair. Gracie was giving me this " MUM JAMES IS PULLING MY HAIR" face... Every time I told him to stop he would look offended for a second then grin... I'm in trouble lol.

5: We had a fantastic time at the pool. Gracie loved to run and jump in, then Daddy would catch her. James swam for a while but had fun sitting with me on the side soaking up some sunshine. Auntie Shay, cousins A, G and L all came to play too. Everyone had a lovely time playing together. Even James and Cousin L had some bonding time. Gracie did swim a little way by herself too.

I know other things have happend today, but its been so full and busy around here. This is all I can manage to scrape out of my brain lol.

Goodnight all!

- Sophie




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