Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 106: Bye Bye Seaside Vacay

Well today ends the first week of our summer vacay extravaganza. It has been a lot of fun. Sad to say goodbye to Great Grandma Jo and Grandpa Michael and Grandpa Rob but all good things must come to an end. We will enjoy Grammy for a few more days and then we are excited for our Eriks-Buker visit to start!! YAY!!

Today's positives:

1: Last night we managed to do a sleepover at the condo. Gracie had a love-seat pushed up against the wall. It made quite a nice little toddler nest. James slept some of the time in his travel crib and the rest of the time in our lumpy pull out bed. It was kind of exciting and like camping.

2: The first thing Gracie did upon waking up this morning was peek through the blinds and let out a loud shout of "OHH WOAH". I think upon seeing the ocean.

3: James has been working very hard on crawling in the last week. He is so close, but mostly ends up doing little bunny hops. He did make it around the living room quite easily.  Gracie found he had happened upon my flip flop and let out a loud cry of "noooo" before rescuing him from it. She is like my second pair of eyes sometimes.

4: Grammy gave Gracie chocolate peanut butter for breakfast and she ended up with a very cute chocolate beard.

5: We went to Five Guys for lunch and Gracie ate almost an entire burger and frys! Followed by strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. She must be getting ready for a growth spurt. James enjoyed his veggie baby mush.

6: Then we went for a nice HOT walk at Ponce Inlet. We went out on the jetty and saw 2 pods of dolphins jumping and feeding in the ocean. They were very close so it was exciting to see. There was also a lazy sea turtle floating by the rocks.

7: Gracie went with Grammy and Great Grandparents back to the condo and had a lovely time being spoilt. I think she ate a lot of cookies and played with lots of electronics. I even saw her chasing a paper aeroplane up and down.

All in all its been a very lovely week followed with the perfect last day. Both kiddos are sleeping soundly in their own little beds.

Goodnight all!

- Sophie

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