Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Gracie's birthday, was AWESOME! We all had a fantastic day :)

Today's positives:

1: Gracie started out her day by watching the Angelina Ballerina movie. She was glued to all 55 minutes of it and was so cute as she tried to dance along.

2: One of Gracie's favorite parts of the day was definitely her party hats. She insisted we all wear one  for most of the morning and when we took them off she put them in her new wagon and pulled them around the house.

3: When she first came out of her bedroom she pointed at the decorations and said "I like it"

4: Daddy made french toast for her special birthday breakfast.

5: After breakfast we called Grammy so she could skype with us while Gracie opened her birthday presents. Gracie's favorite gift was her new doll's feeding set. She immediately gave up opening gifts to play with it.

6: After presents Matt and I got to show Gracie how to use her playdoh! She mostly liked the smell of it but did enjoy squeezing it too!

7:  After they took a nice afternoon nap we did cake! Again we called Grammy so she could join in singing happy birthday! Both of the kids LOVED their cake. James picked his piece up with both hands and shoved it in! Gracie was not sure how to blow out her candle and kept trying to grab it. It was also funny to watch James stand under the table and try to reach up and grab a sneaky bit.

8: We gave Gracie a special bubble bath all to her self, a rare treat! She enjoyed it so much. She kept standing up in the bath, pointing at the bubbles and saying "Bubbles, I like it!".

9: Daddy got to play with James while Gracie was in the Bubble Bath. He was crawling after James down the hall and every time he caught him, James would laugh hysterically!

10: After bath/playtime  we let Gracie walk her new wagon down to the mail box. She chose her puppy from Daddy to tote along in it. She had a lovely birthday card from Grammy waiting for her.
Gracie was so excited because it was a cat with a sparkly tiara on. She hugged it and kept saying "cat".

11: Gracie has been asking to go to the beach for a over a week now so we took her for a nice walk seeing as it was such a beautiful evening. She loved running in the sand and chasing the seagulls.
James even enjoyed walking whilst holding on to our hands.

12: There was enough daylight left for a quick play on the playground. Gracie LOVES the slide, but she is also fearless and likes to try and climb on all the different ladders and nets.

13: When we got home it was time for jam sandwiches. Great Grandma called and chatted while she ate her dinner. She kept shouting "Grandad" so my Grandad would come and wave at her. It was a nice way wind down.

14: Gracie would hold up her new blocks and say "Smile" and then act like she was taking a picture.

15: Daddy read little Quack to the kids as a bed time story.

16: After James went to bed we let Gracie stay up and watch Shrek the 3rd. I even found a fun size bag of skittles for her. She watched the whole movie and only got down once to grab her party hat which she enjoyed wearing the entire time she watched the movie.

It was such a fantastic day. I think we all went to bed feeling like we had the best time!

Well that's all for now folks.

- Sophie










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