Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 199: Ish it Shunday Already?

Today's positives:

1: The kids let me sleep in until 7am today! I just want to tell you that, THAT WAS AWESOME!

2: We started the advent calendar a day late... I have decided to fill it with their left over halloween candy. Gracie is super excited and keeps asking me for more "canyee"

3: We made some home made decorations for Gracie's birthday on Tuesday! Gracie had a good time coloring and sticking. We will be sure to take lots of pictures tomorrow! Jay even did some coloring :). I might also add that Matt's paper guitar was looking pretty snazzy!

4: It was nice laying on the bed listening to Daddy and the kiddos playing together. Nobody can make them laugh like he can.

So excited for tomorrow! I have been planning all sorts of decorations for Gracie's birthday and I think it's going to look awesome!

Oh I do love it when a plan comes together :D

Goodnight all

- Sophie

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