Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 181: Back in the saddle again!

Sooo it's been forever since I last got to post a blog. I have REALLY missed it. So much has happened.

James took his first few steps a few weeks ago. He is slow to repeat this progress but I have a feeling it maybe coming before thanksgiving. He now also knows the difference between Mama and Dada.

Gracie Jayne, can talk in complete and full sentences. I am no longer under any illusion as to what she wants/needs at all times!

We also found out last Friday, we are expecting baby number three. I am guessing baby will be born sometime in the beginning of July.

Exciting times!! Here's some things you guys missed :)

We had a lovely sleep over at Nana's. We spent two days hanging out with family, talking while the kiddos played together. James liked to push along a walking aid toy. He was so very proud of himself. Cousin L also practised crawling. It was a nice time.

We took the kids to the fall festival at Spruce Creek. Gracie loved running around with her big cousins. Both Gracie and James had their faces painted and ate lots of yummy treats. Even baby cousin L was dressed for the occasion as an adorable pumpkin.

James got to do his first painting, as we let the kids paint their pumpkins for Halloween!

We had such a fun Halloween. Unfortunately my camera was not working. Thankfully Auntie Shay managed to take some pictures, and even though I am sure she emailed them to me I am gonna have to search to find them. Gracie dressed up as a pirate and James was Batman. We took them to the local grocery store as they were handing out candy up and down the isles. James didn't make it very far in to the store before he started stuffing down a Reese's peanut butter cup.
After that we went over to Nana's house because she has the perfect neighborhood to trick or treat in!
James made it one round and then went back to Nana's to sleep. Gracie came out the second round. She had the right idea as she would sleep as we walked along, then as soon as we got to a house and the door opened she would pop her head up and grin. It was so fun, both the kids and the cousins made out like bandits on the candy front!

Once we took down the Halloween decorations we put up Christmas. I know it's super early but the kids had a wonderful time. Gracie refers to it as "the pretty" and James just looks at it and grins.
We have the tree on a table inside the play pen. Gracie can manage to climb in though.
Sometimes I will be searching for her and she will pop out from under the table and shout "YES MAMA". James still managed to pull it over from it's supposed safe guard of the playpen. It now has a slightly drunken looking lean but it's definitely been enjoyed!

Any way! Now we are caught up some (I may remember more to add later)

Here are, Today's positives:

1: We made hand print turkeys with Gracie. Although they look more like hand prints with sequins attached than turkeys. James also had fun doing some painting.

2: James has learned to climb up on Gracie's bed. We walked in the bedroom and there was sitting with a giant grin on his face.

3: Daddy took the kids to the playground. Gracie enjoyed the swing and the slide. James thought it was funny to watch his sister swing.

I think that's enough blogging for today! So glad to be back! (pictures below)

Goodnight all

- Sophie





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